Chapter- 00

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November 4th, 2010
10:34 PM
     You were walking alone through a narrow street holding a plastic bag in your left hand and clutching the fabric of your top with your right, the water from the rain 2 hours ago was still filled in small potholes on the road, the dimming street light was the only source of light in that empty street you were walking on, walking and splashing the muddy water on your white snickers you felt the cold breeze hitting on your face you shivered by the sudden low temperature of the atmosphere around as you covered your head with your black hood carefully making sure you blocked all the air coming inside. You looked around the street you were walking, seeing nothing but just faint light coming out from the windows of some 3 or 4 houses, you looked up at the dark sky still covered with grey sheet of clouds and sighed*I should have remembered that why I'm getting so forgetful nowadays?*you sounded a little frustrated now as you lifted the plastic bag you were holding on in front of your face* Grocery duty is yours and how can you forget that?*you scrunched your face in disappointment with your new forgetful self* only if I purchased this bread on my way back home from school, I might be watching fantastic four with them*you pouted and sniffed, stepping on a small pit purposely splashing the water in the process, you growled and thought about humming a song to lighten your mood. After walking for a while sometimes splashing the water on the road, swinging the bag in air your mood got lighter as time passed by*Ok so now three more turns and than YaHa! I'm home!*you exclaimed still pretty unsure about the way you were going on is right or not? You were dooming around and cursing your stupid self for exploring new streets in this cold night but your thought process got intrupted as you heard a thud* Huh, What was that?*you frowned your eyebrows as you stopped your feet from making any step further*it felt like some stray-*thud, you heard that sound again* wtf is that?*You moved your head left to right in hopes of finding the source of those thuds and muffling but found nothing just some random houses, the dimming faint light reflecting on the wet road nothing more, you were tired as you were walking through that empty lane for what felt like almost an hour* should I check on it? What if I found someone there? *with hope glimmering in your eyes of finding someone in this empty lane you turned your heels in the opposite direction without thinking twice you halted your feet as fast as you can. You took two turns to the right and one turn to the left, with hopes pouring from the corner of your eyes you closed them and jumped in the middle of a crossroad exclaimed and spreaded your arms widely in air, the plastic bag still hanging on your left arm you shouted loudly* YAAAHHOOOO!!!!!*but soon regreting your decision as you opened your eyes,your breath hiched in your throat, you gulped and tried to swallow the lump building in your throat anonymously, you saw three tall men towering over something now looking at you smirking, you can smell the cigrette aroma coming from their bodies one of them had a brown vertical mark on his face from forehead to upper lip which you asumed he got from knife or something else years ago you gulped and tried to hold yourself together in front of them* Actually I...I just...just came uh uh*you panicked as you realized that one of them is coming closer to you anger dripping down from his face, his eyes felt like he is ready to choke the first person he come across. The cold breeze was still flowing from that empty lane but this time it was unable to make you shiver from cold weather you gulped as you felt goosebumps in your whole body you tried to walk backward putting a nervous smile on your face thinking it will make you appear confident. He stopped in front of you towering over your small lean body, raising his eyebrows in expression of asking you about something? You gulped down your fear as you managed to mutter some words from your mouth*
   Uh uh h...handsome o...oppa hehe...hehe*the two men behind him burst in loud laughter mocking your previous sentence which worked nothing special just added the patrol in the fire of your fear*
      A..actually I c..came to j..ust ask ab...about the ne..arest*gulped* convi...nience never...mind I w...will fi..nd it by*you tried to walk away from there but your way was blocked as one of the man let out a sarcastic chuckle as he stood beside the man in front of you now completely blocking your way*
Yah! Kid what do you think of us? Huh? Fools?*you scrunched your nose as that piercing cigarette aroma entered in your nostrils* N...No---*you felt your words stuck somewhere halfway in your mouth as the previous man held your left arm up in air*
YAAAHHH! BRATS WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING!?*you heard the third man shouting who was still standing far away from you. You peeked from the man's shoulder who was holding your left arm up in air out of curiosity as you heard the third man cursing and kicking someone, your eyes widened as you saw two children crying sitting on the ground, burrying their faces in their knees, sobbing as the man was kicking them, your heart sunk at the scene in front of your eyes you felt so helpless and pity for them but you can't do anything cause you also needed to be rescued by someone, you felt the man's grip loosened at your wrist as his focus shifted on those kids you thought of it as an opportunity to run away from here but soon your path was blocked by another man he stopped you by raising his right hand at your chest level you gulped and looked directly in his eyes*
The first man- Yaaaah what do you think, are you running away missy? *he smirked at you as the second man's focus now shifted towards you again, checking you up to down and licking his lower lip*
*Now the third man also looked at you letting out a dry chuckle*
Third man- She looks fresh let's put her in that trunk with these brats together
Second man- Naah before that let's have some fun with her*he said as he roamed his finger from your shoulder to the bare skin of your knuckle sending you shivers down to your spine you tried to open your mouth in protest but failed as the three man now incircled you laughing and hitting you with their hands like you are a lifeless object you was on a verge of crying as your mind went numb unable to process anything you felt like this is your end but soon the train of your thoughts got intrupted, you came back to your senses as you heard one of them screaming loudly holding his hand up in air, you looked at your right side seeing the man hitting and punching a boy on his face while the another man trying to hold a little girl in his arms who was continuously biting on his exposed hand, you thought of it as a perfect opportunity as you fisted your hands tightly, swinging the plastic bag up in air you kicked the man in his crotch as hard as you can who was still recovering from the pain on his hand which had a bite mark on it surely given by one of those kids, now the two men shifted their focus on you as you also tried to kick one of them on their crotch but this time unfortunately he grabbed your leg and smirked but you didn't gave him enough time as you pulled him closer by his collar catching him off guard, hitting the softest part of his forehead with your elbow letting go your leg as the third man jumped on you but you grabbed a broken dustbin lid hitting the one who was ready to attack you at any moment with it, the two kids ran towards you hiding behind you while grabbing the hem of your black hoodie in both of their hands you looked at them from your shoulder as you tightened your grip on that broken lid, you thought for a second as you grabbed their hands nodded your head for once as you turned around getting ready to run away with them but you stumbled as someone grabbed your right foot from behind making you lose your balance, but you soon regained it as you saw the little girl around the age of 4-5 bitting on the man's hand who was gripping on your foot, you hit that person who was still grabbing your foot with the lid on your hand, freeing your foot from his grip. You saw the other two men getting ready to charge over you, widening your eyes as you realized the shortage of time you had to run away from this nightmare ASAP you grabbed the girl from her waist up and held the boy by his hand, and ran away with them as fast as you can without looking back, mindlessly jumping and stumbling, taking different turns without thinking twice which way they will lead you to.
11:37 PM
   Panting hard with those kids trying to catch your breathe you let out a small chuckle looking at both of them they both frowned and looked at you but you and shrugged it off and ruffled their hairs, smiling soon intrupted as the girl opened her mouth and bombard you with questions like are you a bat woman? or a new avenger? Or something else but the boy shut her mouth by putting his hand on her mouth but soon regretted as he yelled.
???? Ewww Ji-ah did you just lick my hand!?*he said that as he swung his hand in air with disgust*
Ji-ah- *giggled* your fault*she shrugged her shoulder*
???? - you were bothering her by your stupid questions
*after catching  your breath you decided to stop their bickering by pulling the young girl in your embrace warming her up in this cold weather and now you looked at the boy directly in his eyes who was already staring at you with his doe ones, you took his small hand in yours, intertwined your fingers with his pulling him closer by it as you scanned his hands and face for any injury, your eyes stuck at the blood flowing down from his nose maybe because of the punch he got from that hippo your eyes saddened looking at his bruised face as you cupped his now pink tinted chubby cheeks in your hands and cleaned his blood with the hem off your sleeve you sighed and ran your fingers through his messy hair, you set them neatly with your hands the sweet moment of your trio didn't last longer as you heard footsteps along with some growling coming closer to your hiding place the kids trembled in fear as you pulled them more closer in a tight hug putting a finger on your lips as a sign for them to not make a sound they both clutched on your arms tightly as if their life depends on it after some 5 or 10 minutes later those noises faded away as you left a huge sigh of relief. Ji-ah looked in your eyes directly filled with tears you frowned and nodded your head for once to assure her that everything is fine now giving her a warm smile.
     You heard a quiet growl coming out from someone's stomach you looked at those kids blushing face understanding the situation you let out a small chuckle and cupped their chubby cheeks in your hands, you showed them your plastic bag which you were still holding on. Their eyes were stuck on that bag as Ji-ah asked you what's in that bag sticking her tongue out but soon she startled as the boy scolded her. The girl was on the verge of crying as you decided to enter in that conversation.
Y/N- Hey it's ok it's fine*smile*  even I'm hungry*you put your hand on your stomach over the clothe you were wearing* let's eat this bread loaf together! *you chimed*
12:11 AM
While eating the bread with them you got to know that Ji-ah and that boy ain't siblings actually, they met in a hospital and their parents died in a local bus accident last year, since than they are living together on streets taking care of each other well in other words the older boy is taking care of that young girl-- no injustice as the girl is really young and the boy looks like he is in his pre teens so yeah everything is justified. After finishing your meal and chit-chatting with them you decided to leave these kids in an orphanage. You walked with them for a while until you reached your destination.
01:34 AM
Park Jin Soo Orphanage
Mr Park- Ok so you are saying that you found them lying on streets?
Y/N- Yes! (you lied to the owner because you don't wanted to get involved in this police and trafficker thing your moral duty was just making sure to hand over these kids in safe hands which you already did and now you wanted to go back to your house asap thinking about the consequences you will face after going back to your house after disappearing for 5 hours just sending shivers down to your spine)
Mr Park- ok we will take care of them just fill this form for formality Miss Lim*you nodded and filled the form he handed you immediately*
01:39 AM
Ji-ah- *crying* why you are leaving us behind? I want to live with you unnie*you bent down at the crying girl's level hugged her and whipped her tears away as you looked at the sad boy inviting him for a last hug you spreaded your another arm for him, you all hugged for a last time you ruffled the boys hairs while planting a kiss on Ji-ah's head you stood up and sighed*
Y/N- Look kids I'm already an adult but I can't take care of you both unfortunately I still depend on the people who gave me birth for money*Mr Park choked on his water*
*you cleared your throat as you realized the word play you accidentally did, you smiled brightly and inhaled a huge amount of air*
Y/N- Oi kids never forget that I'm your hero who saved you tonight!*you stick out your thumb pointing at yourself as you wore your black hood back on your head caging your short brunette bob in it as you nodded at Mr Park for one last time before leaving*
Author's note- Hoiyya can't believe that I really did write something( ☉д⊙) last night I was watching AOT when a random idea popped up in my mind, I was feeling like my attention span is getting shorter and shorter like my nails and I was unable to enjoy my day dreams and fantasies(✿❛◡❛) because of that so I decided to wrote them all and enjoy them like this and thought to share it with you all hope you guys enjoy it!      ° ͜ʖ ͡ – ✧
Sorry this chapter plays an important role in this story and writing it in two parts will only make it loose it's essence--hope you understand that (author issues( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°). I assure you all with my almighty none of the upcoming chapters of this story will be this long. Believe it! (✿ ♥‿♥)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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