The Wedding

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Author's POV:

After having the conversation with his wife. Mr min went to your room to call you and taehyung for lunch. As a good father , he knocked the door waiting for your reply. But after not getting a reply he knocked again. Again the same thing. He slowly opened the door to find the most heart melting scene in front of his eyes , making him smile. He called his wife. And when she came she also couldn't help the scene but adores it. You are sleeping above him. Him leaning on the bed stand holding you like a fragile thing while patting your head in his sleep.

Mr Min : So you still think he came here for work?

He asked all smiling to his wife. She shooked her head.

Mrs min : Maybe I should trust him with my baby.

Mr min nodded his head proudly

Mrs min : You go. I'll wake them up. She needs to eat medicine too

Mr min nodded his head and went downstairs. Mrs min went towards both of your sleeping figure. And patted taehyung shoulder making him furrow his eyebrows. Soon he opened his eyes to find Mrs min standing there.

Tae : Oh I-I

He panicked seeing her and try to sit straight but stopped when he saw you in his arms.

Mrs min : Wake her up too and come downstairs for lunch.

She said and left. Taehyung leaned on the bed stand holding you tightly while closing his eyes again. He decided to wake you up.

Tae POV:

I looked at her sleeping figure to find out. Everyone wasn't wrong. She is a baby but mine. I called her name to wake her up for sometime. She started wiggling in my arms and soon opened her eyes but again closed it snuggling in my chest.

Tae : Wake up.

She hummed still in the same position

Tae : Do you want me to carry you downstairs?

Yn : Not at all.

She whispered waking up. I settled my clothes heading downstairs with her.

At the dinning table:

Mr min : Taehyung Will you be okay if yn won't go office this week?

Uncle asked while having his lunch

Yn : Why appa? I am fine. And I will get better till tomorrow too

She said trying to convince her father. I also think she should rest but Can I came here to meet her daily. Will it be weird?

Tae : Yeah uncle It's fine.

Yn : No-

Aunty cutted her sentence

Mrs min : Yn you have to go shopping too and get prepared the wedding is in five days. You too taehyung.

She said making me smile internally. I will be able to meet her. I nodded my head. After lunch. I went back to my office.

Two days later ( Night) :

Yn POV :

On the call :

Tae : I am missing you.

Yn : Aren't you the one who agreed on me not going to office?

Tae : You were sick so?

Yn : It's a common thing that doesn't mean I have to stay at home forever.

Tae : Getting sick isn't a normal thing. You should take care of yourself.

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