The Prologue

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fourteen years ago

Most five-year-olds would be happy to be going home to see their parents after two months away from home, but not Rain. Sure he loves his parents and misses them when he is away but going home now means leaving P'Phayu behind. They were supposed to go together like usual but at the last minute the older boy came down with a fever and had to remain behind.

Rain had wanted to wait until P'Phayu was better, but everyone was afraid Rain would catch the illness as well. Rain has always gotten sick easily. So what to P'Phayu was just a normal childhood illness, could be dangerous to Rain. So everyone involved agreed that Rain should return home as planned. Everyone except Rain that is.

He clutches his favorite stuffed animal and cries as the carriage pulls away from the village, already missing P'Phayu. His chest burns as it always does when they are separated. His caretaker, Enid, tries to distract him with games and stories and even with her spirit animal, a small blue bird, but Rain spends most of the journey morosely looking out the carriage window.

When he reaches the palace, he hugs his parents enthusiastically and they make the usual jokes about having forgotten what he looks like. His older cousin, the crown prince, is waiting as well and he scoops Rain up for a hug, carrying him into the palace. Rain does love his family and is glad to see them. He just wishes P'Phayu was here as well. He misses him already.

"Rain," his mother reminds him, "Phayu will be joining us soon. I received word from his father right before you arrived that he is already feeling better and will be able to travel in a few days."

Rain brightens at this. "Really?"

Rain's parents shake their heads. All spirit bonded people are close but somehow Rain's and Phayu's bond seems to be extra strong.

"Really.' She says. "Why don't we have dinner then you can go to bed early. You are probably very tired from your trip.

Rain really is exhausted. Once Enid helps him into his sleep clothes, he falls to sleep immediately but he awakes in the middle of the night to what sounds like screams. Rain sits up in bed looking around, he is suddenly very afraid.

Pakin reigns in his horse and puts a hand up, a silent signal for his men to stop. He waves Chai, his first in command, forward.

"What's wrong?" Chai asks.

"There is smoke in the distance, a lot of it, and it looks like it could be coming from the palace," Pakin says. "Do we have any senders among the soldiers? Someone with a flying animal who can get an aerial view would be best."

Chai calls a young soldier forward, "You're a sender, correct? Your animal is a hawk?"

"Yes, sir." the soldier says.

"What's your name, soldier?" Pakin asks.

"Niran, sir." The soldier says.

"Well, Niran, I need you to send your animal to the palace as quickly as possible then have it come back to meet us. We'll keep on moving but I need to know if something is wrong at the palace." Pakin says.

"Yes sir." Niran makes a hand motion, and a hawk flies up and disappears out of sight. Niran closes his eyes and gasps.

"What did you see?" Pakin asks Niran.

"The palace is on fire; everything is in rubble." Niran hangs his head sadly. "There is no sign of life."

Pakin's lips tighten at this. "Korn."

They reach the palace by the end of the day; the fire is already starting to burn itself out and there isn't much left but smoking rubble like Niran had seen. It's obvious that magic enhanced fire was used to leave nothing standing in the palace. Anyone trapped in the fire would be incinerated leaving no trace.

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