The Trap

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Rain runs into the room where P'Phayu, P'Pai and Sky are preparing to leave.

"P'Phayu, I want to go with you," Rain says with a very unprincelike whine. "Why am I the only one staying here? Even Sky is going. It's not fair."

"Sky is going because we need his sending abilities. Once we make sure everything is safe, Sky will send his cat back with a message and you can follow us." P'Phayu says.

"You haven't answered my question, why am I the one that has to stay behind. I've gone with you before." Rain asks again.

"Because you, little bunny, are the prince and have to stay safe no matter what. We have gotten word that Korn's men are on the move again, probably as a direct result of what we are doing. We can't take chances this time" P'Phayu says.

"It's not fair," Rain repeats.

P'Phayu hugs him close, "I know little bunny, just trust me on this, okay?"

"Okay," Rain says grudgingly. "But you better be in one piece when I get there and don't make me wait too long."

"Look at it this way, Rain," Sky says, "This will give you an opportunity to read that book I gave you."

"Oh, joy, magical fertilization of crops and weather control for farmers. Thrilling." Rain says sarcastically.

"It's very important that a ruler knows something about all aspects of his people's trade. I will get you one on the magical properties of commerce and trade when I come back." Sky says.

Rain pulls a face and sticks his tongue out at Sky.

He watches as they enter the tear following their animals. P'Phayu's wolf looks back and gives Rain a cheeky wink and he knows his mate had him do that to make Rain giggle, which he does.

Phayu is the first one through the tear and the first one to realize something is wrong. Nothing is moving in the village. The citizens of the village are slumped over tables, lying in the middle of the street, curled up in doorways. Even the animals are lying still. As Pai and Sky follow him out, Phayu examines an old woman nearby and finds she is merely sleeping.

That's when he feels the powerful sleeping spell that has been cast over the village starts to affect him. It's clever, he will give his enemy that much. Realizing that they are moving from village to village letting people know that Rain has returned, Korn's men have probably cast the same spell over multiple villages to catch them.

Phayu turns to tell Pai and Sky to go back but sees it's already too late. Sky has slumped over in Pai's arms fast asleep and Pai is sinking to the ground, his eyes closing. The last thought Phayu has as sleep overtakes him is he is glad Rain hadn't come with them.

Rain paces back and forth in front of where the tear had disappeared, waiting for Sky's cat to return. This is taking too long, and worst of all P'Phayu hadn't told him where they were going. He said that Rain was just stubborn enough to follow them anyway and that Sky would let him know when it was safe. It should have only taken them a few minutes to travel there, maybe an hour to determine if there was any danger. It's been three hours.

This is bad, what if P'Phayu and the others have been captured? Would Korn have them tortured or even executed on the spot? Rain goes pale at the thought of that happening and Rain can't help them.

Rain screams in frustration. He feels so useless. What is the point of being a prince if he can't even do anything for the people he loves?

If only his rabbit could lead him to a person rather than a place.

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