The Lost Memory

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Rain does continue his studies of magic and self-defense while they wait. At least it passes the time. The wait feels excruciating because Rain is worried for his people.

P'Chai and his men are the first to return with news. It seems that Stop and Gun had visited the village to the east and left a wake of death and destruction in their path, but they had been long gone before P'Chai had gotten there.

He also has some interesting news; it seems that rumors of Rain's return have begun to spread throughout the villages. Everywhere people are celebrating and taking hope in the return of the rabbit prince, as Rain is known to the common people. Apparently, word had spread out from the village Rain and Phayu had stayed in.

"Can we do something for the people who have been attacked by the usurper's men?" Rain asks. He wants to ease the people's suffering if he can.

"We can take them supplies." P'Phayu answers, "and people to help rebuild."

This gives Rain an idea. "P'Pakin, there was a little girl named Beam who lost her family in a fire set by Korn's men. I would like to go check on her, and if she is able to travel, bring her here to be cared for. She had no relatives left."

"I'm sure that can be arranged. Since you are so busy, why don't I send Chai to bring her back. He is heading to the village anyway to take supplies." P'Pakin suggests.

Although Rain would like to check on the villagers himself, P'Pakin has a point. He really can't spare the travel time at the moment. He has come to trust P'Chai and he knows that he will bring the little girl here safely. P'Pai 's family will probably be happy to take her in.

"Prince Rain," the three-year-old runs into him so hard intent on hugging him, she almost knocks him off his feet. She is so different from the little girl that had been laying listlessly in bed.

He kneels down to her level. "Beam, how are you?" The doctors in her village had used a mix of magic and herbs to heal the girl's burns. Although she will have some scars all her life, they are faint and barely noticeable.

She whispers something in his ear. She had been a little shy when P'Chai had brought her back, but she has taken a liking to Rain and clings to him whenever she can.

"Of course," he brings out his bunny which makes her giggle.

Sky comes over to where they are at, "are you looking forward to tomorrow, Beam?" He asks the little girl. Beam is going to the market with P'Pai and his family to get clothes, and Rain is sure there will be more than a few toys.

She nods enthusiastically, "P'Pai said there would be candy! I have never had candy, except at the Spirit Light Festival once."

Rain must look confused because Sky says, "Spirit Light Festival is our winter festival."

Rain feels sad that Beam has had so few things that even a piece of candy can seem wondrous to her. They had little enough at the orphanage, but it is nothing like the children here face. He will tell P'Pai to make sure she gets the best candy.

Then he remembers there are hundreds, maybe thousands of children out there just like her. Candy and toys might give them a little happiness but, in the end, only taking back his throne will help.

Rain lets out a whoop of joy when the arrow hits the target dead center. He has discovered he has a talent for using a bow and arrow, he never dreamed he would actually be good with the weapon. Even his bunny is hopping around him with excitement channeling his happy energy.

"Good job," P'Phayu says, "But it's much different hitting a moving target than a stationary one."

"I know," Rain gives a small pout, "Couldn't you have just stopped at good job?"

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