Lucid Dreams

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"Absolutely not." P'Phayu says firmly. It's been a week since Rain and Sky started learning about teleportation. Rain decided it was time to present his ideas to P'Phayu and P'Pakin. What he hadn't expected was for everyone to get so upset about it.

"Why not." Rain asks.

"It's dangerous." P'Pakin says. "Even if you are right and you did this as a child, you could have just gotten very lucky. Getting lost in the dimensions is just one of the dangers."

It's easy for them to say, they aren't the ones having increasingly vivid dreams about their parents every night.

Rain knows he isn't being fair and that they are just worried about him, but he wishes they had some faith in him as well.

As if on cue that night Rain had the dream again. This time he was ready for it. Sky had found him a book on dream messages and lucid dreaming.

What he needed was to get the dream to continue beyond the point where he always woke up.

It isn't easy because when he is in the dream, he is five-year-old Rain and five-year-old Rain is so very scared. "Be brave Rain," he tells himself, "this is just a memory, it's not real".

To his shock his five-year-old self asks, "Who are you?"

"Can you hear me?" Rain asks.

"Of course but I don't understand who you are." Little Rain says.

This is wild, even if it is all a dream happening in Rain's head. "I am you but older."

"Oh, I want P'Phayu." Little Rain says.

So do I. Rain thinks but he wasn't there that night. "He's sick, remember. Listen carefully. You need to go to your parents' room. What you will see will be scary, but I am here with you, and I need you to stay calm. Can you do that for me?"

Little Rain nods, but Rain can feel his fear. They go down the hall to his parents' room like every time that Rain has this dream. He finds his parents the same as always, only the one dream was different, and Rain knows now that it was his subconscious trying to send him a message.

"Stay calm," he reminds his younger self. This would be normally where he would wake up. Instead, he, the younger him, goes to his parents and begs them to wake up. He shakes them, getting blood on his hands and clothes.

"Mae, and Pa won't wake," Little Rain cries.

"I know love, but you have to stay calm. What happened next?" Rain asks.

Little Rain is crying because his parents won't wake. Then a noise scares him. Grown Rain knows it's the sound of a magical explosion. Sky has shown how to make them. Little Rain though has no idea what the noise is. He stands up and runs to his parents' closet, where he hides.

Two men come in.

"The boy wasn't in his room," one tells the other.

"They say he often stays with his mate's family." The second one says.

"Should we search?" The first one says.

"Don't bother, Lord Korn is going to seal the castle if he is here, he will burn to death with the corpses." the second says.

"I already started a fire in the boy's room, let's start one here as well." the first one says.

The men move to the door and there is another one of those explosions, only much closer.

Little Rain screams and covers his ears, luckily the noise is covered by the explosion.

After the men leave little Rain comes out of his hiding place. The room has become a hell of fire and smoke so thick that the little boy can't breathe.

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