After Quiditch ~(Drarry)~

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⚠️Cussing & kissing, if I missed any then please tell me in the comments.⚠️

●Also, top Harry, bottom Draco in CUDDLES●
(Not edited)  

(3rd person's POV)

The game was neck and neck!

Slytherin VS. Gryfindore

Everyone thought Gryfindore was about to win when Harry started diving out of nowhere, catching Draco's attention, until he saw that Harry was just trying to throw him off.

The only reason how he knew that Harry was just trying to throw him off was because he actually saw the snitch flying in the opposite direction as Harry.

Not wanting to alarm anyone that he actually did fine the snitch, Draco slowly flew his way across the pitch, still pretending to look for the snitch while still actually keeping an eye on the snitch.

A few moments later, when Draco was close enough to the snitch, he quickly zoomed into it and caught it.

"Draco Malfoy has done it! He caught the snitch! Slytherin house wins the match!" Luna Lovegood exclaims in her dreamy voice with a warm smile on her face, while the entire Slytherin house was going crazy because this was the first time they had won a game that Harry Potter was in.

As Draco was flying down, all of his teammates attacked him with pats on the back, high-fives, hugs, and one girl -(Pansy)- even kissed him on the cheek

After getting bombarded from his teammates, everyone went back into the school, straight to the dining hall, except for Draco and Harry.

"Malfoy~," Harry hummed in a deep voice as Draco walked past him in the hallway, immediately catching Draco's attention.

"Potter." Draco attempted to sneer but failed when Harry grabbed his arm, pulling him into the still empty Gryfindore common room.

"Potter, what are you doing? I'm going to get in trouble." Draco stated, yet made no move to get out of Harry's grip, which the raven haired boy didn't miss.

"Oh hush, you're with me. You won't get into trouble." Harry insisted with a small smile before sitting down on the couch, pulling Draco down beside him.

"Who said that I want to be here?" Draco asked with another attempt at a sneer but once again failed when he saw Harry's large smile.

"Well, you still haven't let go of my hand yet, and you aren't moving from leaning to my chest, so I just kind of connected the dots." Harry stated with a cocky smirk that turned into a real smile when he saw Draco's dark blush.

Draco saw Professor McGonagall, Ron, and Hermione enter the room but didn't say anything, instead he was going to see how the Gryfindore, Golden boy would react to him being flirty infront of Harry's closest friends.

"Potter.....Ballet....." Draco mumbled, pretending to be asleep, resting against Harry, pinning Harry's arm around his sholder with his back so Harry couldn't move it when he noticed his friends.

"Shut up, Marforrrrrr...." Harry said back after quickly catching onto what Draco was doing and wasn't going to let him get away with it.

Right once Draco noticed that Harry caught on, he decided to turn it up a notch by cuddling closer to Harry and wrapping his arms around Harry's chest, bringing them closet together.

"Draco." Harry hummed with a smile, Draco humming in response before Harru pulled him even closer by laying down on the couch, pulling Draco ontop of him while Draco burried his head into the crook of Harry's neck.

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