Jules Against Technology

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*Tails' POV*

Ah, the tornado. A Super-Fast, durable and amazing to fly. All these benefit me as I approach the Space Colony Ark (SCA). The Tornado X slowly starts to slow down. It's not great, especially since, THE SCA MEGA-CANNON IS POINTING AT ME!!!

"ABORT!!!" I hear a voice shout behind me. I look back and see Sonic, but, it's not actually him. He looks... medieval??? "Ok-whoareyouwhyareyouherepleaseexplainyourselfyouneedtoleaveohmygosh!!!" I manage to shout in a single breath. "I am king Jules of the great- *THUD* kingdom. Wait what was that?" The strange hedgehog asks. Just as that happened, I stormed down to Mobius at Mach 7 almost cracking the hedgehog's bones on my wall. It's almost as if the tornado disappeared in thin... Space? As the enter Mobius' stratosphere, I can see that it's now night time. The city light make the sky glow. Before I kill every, single, person there, I slow down just In time to avoid any collision, causing the vague hedgehog to fall to the wind shield almost breaking the glass. We're now floating barely over an apartment complex. "Wait, you're Jules right? I'm Miles 'Tails' Prower!". "Quite a weird time to introduce yourself. May you explain yourself in an appropriate place? I feel like I'm going to suffocate dangling like this." Jules says on the bare glass.
As we enter my workshop, I throw the keys for the garage to the key rack and lye down on my couch. Jules looks around and asks, "What is this place. What are such, *Yawn* mechanisms doing lying everywhere?". "Oh, I was fixing the Tornado engines. That's why we were so fast before." I answer while getting up. "Yuji assistant, start ista-coffee!", I say to my personal assistant. "Yuji? What's that?", Jules asks me. "Oh, that's my A.I assistant. Technically, it's just a software, but with some work, he can be real.", I reply. "So... Hmm. I have a lot to learn." Jules says.


*Imagine tails working on the tornado with this music playing. Your view is you moving in circles around this windowed room. Each loop, it changes from night to day, and vice versa. Some times it shows Jules learning technology. This cycle lasts about the amount of days sonic spent in the royal kingdom.*
*Few weeks later*
As tails puts on a space suit, Jules jumps into the new, Tornado ARK. Tails follows and runs to the cockpit where he starts the mega engines. The work that is created by the strength of the said space craft. As a huge underground start-up inclined run way opens up, Tails pushes the accelerator levers for each of the twelve mega-engines causing the ARK to quikly break the speed barrier and leave the Stratosphere.
"MASTER, WE HAVE A STRANGE AIRCRAFT COMING OUR WAY. SHOULD WE INVESTIGATE?", SAGE asks the evil Dr.Eggman. "No! Let's see what we've got!" He shouts to SAGE. He then laughs in his iconic way, " We'll see how they like the cannon! OH HOHO, HO HO HO HO HO HO HO!!!". Shadow watches this in the corner pondering the Doctor's decision making.

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