Sbírka 💅😅

88 6 2

Nico And Will *JUST chilling by the lake, watching the moon*

Nico: It's So beautifull...
Will: Yeah, just you..... me~

Somewhere from the Bush:


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Octavián: If you don't like me at my worst, then you don't like my at my best😌🙄💅



Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.


Percy: hey guys, has any one found That Nico Is a little FISHY lately?🥱

Nico: What no stop!

Annabeth: Yeah, maybe it might BE WISE to do something abou it...😌

Nico: guyyyys!

Leo: i agree, we better before it gets HEATED UP😏🔥

Nico: stop, or I will send you to Hades the hard way!!!!!!!

Jason: oooh it's gonna get STORMY in here😏⚡

Piper: maybe we should MAKE UP And stop...😇🥺

Nico: Frank make them stop!

Frank: Nico Is right guys... I'm going to have to ve FRANK with you

Nico: I thought you were my friend!
Nico: Hazeeeeel!

*Hazel has left the conversation*


Percy: OH my gods... Someone stole my cool pirate ship

Jason: Bro listen...
Jason: I threw it away...
Percy: Whyyy Bro?!?!?!
Jason: Because
Jason: The ONLY ship we need Is our friendship
Percy: Bro


Hazel: Frank, What does IDK, ILY, TTYL mean?

Frank: I Don't Know, I Love You, Talk To You Later
Hazel: Ok, i Will ask Annabeth...



Percy: let mě ask Annabeth

Monster: IT's not a Choise-
Percy: She said no.

Annabeth: Go TO hELL yOu BiTCh!!!
Monster: Oh-o-okey...😶


Will: *typing* ,,Nico"

Computer: password Is toho short

Will: *smiling softly* I know...😏💅

Nico from distance: F*CK you Solace!

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