Chapter 1- Scotts and Smith The Duo.

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First ever chapter on our first ever book!

Firstly, thanks for opening on our first book hope you like it and if you do add it to your library to be updated on the new chapters that we download! Please be kind with us as this is our first book. Like vote and comment. Oh and if you like it tell us! Thankies~ SafRia (SwirlieGirls) xx

P.S. Their first day of school outfits are up there^^
Scotts and Smith, The Duo (1)

00:00. The clock read. I looked up at my ceiling, finding myself staring at the glistening chandelier just above my head. Here I was lying in my bed, in my bedroom, inside my penthouse, in the city of Manhattan. It was nearing winter, Kentz and I's favourite season, which gets me pretty pumped. October was coming to an end! It wasn't too cold, it was warm enough for us to wear shorts though,

Since I sleep in the city that never sleeps, I could still hear the honk of the cars, citizens and tourists outside my window at 12 in the morning! It's surprising how people can sleep at night actually!

Anyhow, despite the noise outside, my penthouse is usually always quiet.

My parents, you see, own a business (a hotel to be exact) in California so most of the time, I'm left here in my penthouse with me, myself and I. But, I do have a caretaker, Isabel, living just under the floor I'm on, whom I occasionally call on for some help.

In a couple of hours I'll be physically dragged out of my bed by my best friend- Kennedy, to the toilet to try and look as humanly as possible and get forced to get in her car to drive to school. The usual. Nope, not actually but for us, yes. (Kennedy lives across the hall and has the spare key to my penthouse. I love it that she lives so close to me so we're basically just a knock away from each other. But sometimes I hate it too. It's a love and hate relationship, you see.)

This is basically tradition, every year, on the first day of school she would barge to my penthouse and physically shake me upside down till I wake up. Sometimes, I wonder why I gave her the key to my penthouse because sometimes I just hate that girl but then again, without her, I'd probably be........nope I got nothing.

Despite her fabulous doings, I still love her unconditionally! Well, since that's gonna happen in a couple of hours I decided to take a little cat nap before she-

"Diana Marie Smiths, get the hell up before I shake you to death till you physically drag yourself out of there!" she screamed barging into my room causing my picture frames to wobble. As always, Kennedy is here, in my bedroom at 7:00 am sharp. It's basically our totally normal tradition.

Before my brain even started functioning what was happening. I felt someone grab my feet, making sharp movements, grabbing my feet and instantly shaking me upside down vigorously. Thank goodness I still hadn't had breakfast or else I would've given a glorious gift to Kennedy this morning ;)!

I wonder how that girl manages to pick me up! Turning me around too! It's probably because she is the star football player and basketball and she goes to the gym everyday whereas me, my gym is my bed.

Defeated, I finally got out my bed and walked straight into the toilet not even bothering to acknowledge her presence. I left the door ajar so that we could chat. I liked to catch up with her even though I currently hated her this very moment.

"How was summer?" she asked sitting down on top of my bed grabbing some magazines along the way.

"Brilliant!" I cheered "till you shook me upside down a couple of seconds ago!" I murmured loud enough for her to hear.

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