Chapter 1

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The tavern was crowded this evening. It was crowded every evening. All sorts of creatures coming to meet friends after work, families grabbing a bite to eat before heading to put one of Ventoria's many theatres, or workers just trying to forget the stresses of the day. Behind the bar was a rather grumpy-looking Gnome in a dirty, green hat with holes in the sides, through which were poking a pair of pointy ears. She poured a golden-brown liquid into a glass and put the glass on the counter next to a tankard about 4 times its size that was full to the brim with some kind of steaming, lilac-coloured liquid dripping foam down the side of it.

"These both for you?", the bartender enquired of the half-man, half-goat creature who paid her, nodding to the empty seat next him with a raised eyebrow.

"No, no," smiled the Capral. "I'm waiting for someone to join me. He got waylaid leaving the office. I told him I'd go ahead and get these in." He took a sip of the golden liquid and wiped a drop from the white hair at his chin. "With this dratted election coming up everyone in there is rushed off their feet – campaigning for their own jobs, supporting or denouncing others, and on top of it all trying to keep up with the everyday ministerial tasks too. I'm sure you can imagine...", but the Gnome was no longer listening to him, preferring to chat to a handsome-looking young man at the other end of the bar instead.

That moment, the door in the corner of the room opened. Accompanying the flurry of snow and the howl of the wind that blew into the room was an enormous grey Bear. It was wearing a dark green cape around its shoulders and had a pair of thick-rimmed pince-nez perched on its snout. It carried under its arm a bulging leather briefcase. The Bear padded its way across the crowded room, taking care not to knock into any of the tables in the process, sat down next to the Capral and took a long sip from the foamy tankard.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting, Austrey", said the Bear. "Enderby wanted to update me on the plans for his announcement tomorrow. Nothing we need to worry about though." The Bear towered over his companion, forcing the Capral to crick his neck to look at his friend. "There is something I need your help with though, Austrey. I overheard a troubling conversation. Some of the other ministers seem to be aware of the interest we’re taking in their relationship with The Obsidian Veil. I don't believe the rumours that they're trying to barter a truce. I think some of our colleagues are sympathetic to their cause and may even be trying to help it along.

"These creatures would go to great lengths for their involvement in such activities to remain secret. One aide in particular warned me that there are talks of silencing those that get too close, and that my name was mentioned. I'm worried they're going to try something stupid. Obviously, they aren't aware that I know this, so, we're one step ahead of them for now and I'd like to stay that way. Can you reassess my security plans? I'd like to keep this at bay as long as I can, until I have gathered enough information to confront them about it." The Capral was listening intently to the minister as he talked, the look of curiosity turning to one of anguish as the Bear went on.

"Surely, no one would attempt to harm a city council minister, especially so close to an election," remarked Austrey. "That would just be tempting people to look closer into their activities, wouldn't it?"
The Bear sat thoughtfully for a minute, considering what his friend had said. He finished his drink and wiped away the foam from his mouth with the back of a large paw.

"I hope you are right. But when it comes to a matter such as this, and us all in the grip of election fever, I do not expect rationality to reign for long. You know how volatile Ventoria's political climate can be. I would sleep more comfortably in my bed if I knew a few extra precautions had been taken." Austrey sighed and smoothed his hair down over his horns. He wondered how many more lives The Veil would affect before this election was over.

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