Singularity F: 6

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After the intense clash with Berserker, the group, led by Ritsuka, embarked on their journey towards the looming mountain. This time, Saber found himself walking at a more relaxed pace, taking in the eerie beauty of the darkened sky, despite the unsettling flames that engulfed nearby structures.

Caster, ever the conversationalist, couldn't help but notice Saber's unusual demeanor and decided to strike up a conversation. "You seem to be enjoying yourself, big guy," he remarked, attempting to break the silence.

Saber's response was brief, a mere glance in Caster's direction before returning his focus to the path ahead.

Undeterred, Caster continued, "Well, just so you know, there might be a better spot waiting for us once this is all over."

Silence hung in the air, broken only by the crackling of flames around them.

"I mean, sure, the sky is magnificent, but these fires are tarnishing the scenery," Caster added, attempting to fill the void with conversation.

Apologizing for his attempt at dialogue, Caster offered to leave Saber to his thoughts. Saber met his gaze, contemplating the offer, before Caster gave a thumbs-up and moved ahead to join the rest of the group.

Alone with his thoughts, Saber wrestled with the desire for companionship and his steadfast commitment to remain the silent, Hollow Vessel. Despite longing for connection, he reminded himself that he couldn't, and wouldn't, break his vow of silence.

As the journey stretched on, the mountain looming ever closer yet still far from reach, Saber found himself lost in his own thoughts. Though he would never openly admit it, even to himself, he couldn't deny the thoughts that stirred within him.

Amidst the endless trek, Saber's mind wandered to his Master, a person he held in high regard. Despite lacking physical prowess, his Master possessed qualities that Saber admired—honesty, bravery, and a determination that belied his apparent weakness.

In his Master, Saber saw a leader unlike any he had known before. Unlike his own father, whose memory left a bitter taste in Saber's mouth, his Master embodied the kind of greatness that was earned through character rather than birthright.

Reflecting on his past, Saber couldn't help but harbor resentment towards his father, whose influence had shaped Saber's perception of himself as hollow. From a young age, Saber had been conditioned to believe that his only purpose was to fulfill his father's ambitions. Yet, deep down, Saber yearned for something more—to find greatness not for the sake of others, but for himself.
He aspires to be hollow not to conform to his father's expectations, but to carve out his own greatness.
He carries the memory of pain inflicted by his father's demand for hollowness to combat an infection, a torment that was unbearable for Saber. Yet, he remained silent, for shedding tears was an action forbidden to the Hollow Knight.

Saber observed his companions conversing with a sense of curiosity tinged with a hint of longing. Despite his resolve to remain silent and detached, a part of him couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to engage in such lively exchanges. Yet, he remained steadfast in his commitment to his identity as the Hollow Knight, choosing to observe from a distance rather than actively participate in the camaraderie of his companions.

Saber's attention shifted abruptly as the void enveloped his thoughts, erasing everything except the essential information. He blinked, momentarily disoriented, before refocusing on his surroundings. The sight of the mountain's towering presence ahead brought a sense of anticipation.

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