ross:not okay

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"These four years have been the best years of my life", Rocky said while wiping away tears," and even though we will be going our separate ways we will always be in each others' hearts."

There was a sudden applause from the crowd we had around the baseball field. We had an end of the year baseball party since we won tournament. I'm still excited about it.

"Great speech Rocky." I said as I give him a brotherly hug.

"Thanks buddy." He said gratefully,"you know, I've always thought of you as a brother."

I give him a grin,"Thanks but that's highly impossible, I mean we look nothing alike."

"True." He laughs and I soon join in and we share another hug.

I'm really gonna miss him.

I make my way over to Laura whose looking over all of the team's pictures from this year.

I wrap my arms around her waist and put my head on her shoulder.

"Hi baby," I say as I kiss her cheek lovingly.

She smiles crookedly and leans against my embrace,"hi."

Yet I notice her smile doesn't quite reach her eyes.

"Hey," I turn her around and wrap my arms around her back side,"what's wrong?" I say with a concerned look.

Her eyes widen a little and then she speaks,"oh u-um nothing just kinda bummed this year is over."

"Aw, it's okay. One door closes another one opens right?" I grin.

Her eyes sadden a little bit covers it up with a big smile,"yea."


I am now cleaning out my locker in the boys locker room. Huh, this is really making me sad. I mean because I was on the baseball team, I have had so many opportunities.

Well for one I have met so many great people. My teammates have been the nicest people I've ever known. Coach Marano has been the most understanding coach ever.

"Ehem," I hear someone cough behind me.

Who it was really surprised me,"uh Stacy? W-why are you in the boys' locker room."

"Well um, I just wanted to say a few things," she says while putting her hands and arms behind her back.

I don't say anything but its nod.

"I uh just wanted to say sorry...about us know,"she gestures to her forcefully kissing me.

"Yea, uh that." I scratch the back of my neck not really wanting to talk about that event.

"I also wanted to say congrats on all of the accomplishments you made on the baseball team." She smiled.

I give her a small smile," I appreciate it."

She lets out a sigh and nods slowly. Well at least I now know that she isn't a total lunatic.


I let out a huge sigh as I close the door to my house.

"What's wrong honey?"My mom asks from the couch.

I walk to the couch and sit down next to her.

"I just found out that Parker is going to college in Oklahoma, I mean I knew a lot of my friends were going to away it's just..." I breath in and briefly close my eyes.

"Just what?" My mom says as she rubs my arm.

"It's just..." I look at her and stand up while rubbing my forehead,"everything's changing."

She gives me a sad smile,"well yea."

"...and I don't...don't know if I like it."

"Honey,"she says and gently pushes my back on the coach and wraps her arm around my shoulder,"things will get better."

I give her a smile,"yea...yea you're probably right."

She gives me a grin and pulls me in for a hug.

My mom is always right and I think she's right about this. Moms always know best anyway.

But I still had a feeling something was very, very wrong.


Guys I have great news!
I've decided to change the ending of the story.

I can't say you won't be sad with it but I can say that you won't be mad at me.

At least I hope haha.

And I'm so so sorry about not updating earlier than I normally do. It's just that I started to school and I'm also busy so sorry.

Towards the end, to keep you guys anticipated, you can just guess what'll happen next. Knowing how smart you guys are, if I give you options all of you are gonna pick the correct one and I don't wanna spoil anything.

Also, I wanna call my readers something. Comment suggestions you want me to call you guys because it's not just my decision:)

Until next time!<3

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