Chapter 2

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Deon's POV

Since my boys decided to drag me out to this club tonight I was gonna try to have a good time. Don't get me wrong now, I am not a stranger to the club scene but with my demanding career and all of the bill that has been going on in my life I really don't have time for it like I used to. Well let me not blame it entirely on my career because I don't have to work if I choose not to it just gives me an escape from all the bull. Yes I know I am Chicago's most eligible bachelor and yes I know I am worth 23 billion dollars but it doesn't help your situation by being constantly reminded of that every day especially by my mom! She is forever telling me

"Deon you need to settle down have a family and stop messing with all these thotties or whatever yall young folks are saying these days."

Am I that obvious that my own mom even knows that I am the player type. O well I'm not trying to hide the fact that I live my lifestyle the way that I do and I am proud of it....or at least satisfied for right now.

"Aye man!" my friend Jordan says as he almost bumps me out of my seat to get my attention.

"You have been spaced out all night man what' going on?"

"nothing man just doing a little thinking, so what's up? What were you saying?"

"I was telling you that I spotted two good looking honeys down stairs and I'm gonna invite them up to VIP" "you cool with that man?"

"Yes man i'm good" I said as I try to see who he is referring to.

"Ok good beacause that one over there with the long legs and honey brown eyes belongs to me, and greg says he want the short lil mama with the mocha skin."

"Greg? I thought that fool was in a relationship?" I say as I look at the girls they are pointing out. Honestly I forgot that Greg was out with us tonight because he rarely ever goes anywhere. He is my business partner and became my friend over the years.

"Man don't go their you know me and my ol lady broke up about two months ago" Greg says while coming to sit by me.

"O yea I forgot man my bad"

"what about the other girl that's with them are yall just going to leave her out?" Deon says while looking at his friends.

"Man Deon you already know I'm not the one to be seen with chicks like that it's bad for my image I am Jordan Hatch the number one draft pick for the NBA, but if I wasn't better believe she can get it." He says while doing his sneaky player laugh.

"Man whatever you aint all that."

"Aye Will can you go get those girls sitting on the far right in the common area?" Jordan yells to the bouncer.

In a matter of minutes the girls that they scoped out were being escorted into VIP except one of the girls. I stared and watch as the girls goes back forth with the bouncer with confusion and hurt written all over her face. And I also caught on the rude way the bouncer treated the young lady and I kind of felt bad for her.

I watch her as she made her way back to the table that her and her girls were sitting down at trying to hold in her emotions but I could tell that she was servilely hurt and felt like I needed to do something about. Just looking at her I could tell that she was different than most women and has some underline issues that she is dealing with.

"Hey guys I will be right back, I am going downstairs for a while"

"Where are you going man, the party is just getting started!" Greg yelled while is heading over to the short lady that he called up to VIP.

I just looked at him shock my head and headed towards the lady that I wanted to see. Greg was a good guy, very successful and a charmer for some reason he is just to nice and attracts the wrong type of women. Hopefully he will get it right soon because he is getting to old for the dating seen...hell we all are getting to old but somehow just not ready to give it up just yet.

Sheri's POV

"Ugh" I sighed to myself as frustration takes over me, I should be used to this happening but it turns out this is something you just can't get accustomed to. This has been happing ever since I met Z....getting the interest of guys not the being banned from VIP part, this is a first for me and hopefully a last.

Taking a sip of my drink and pulling out my phone I decided to get on Instagram to distract me and keep my emotion is check so I don't make a complete fool of myself.

"Hi, do you mind if I take a seat?"

Looking up from my phone I looked around to see if this man was talking to me or someone else nearby. Must be someone nearby I stated to myself and continued doing looking through Instagram.

"Um excuse me."

"Are you talking to me?" I asked

Haha he laughed "yes I am, is this seat taken?"

"Um depends on what you are doing over here" he better not be over here to be funny because honestly I can't take anymore tonight. One more incident and I would break down right on the spot.

"whoa no need to be hostile I come in peace"

"my name is Deon...Deon Lock" the man says while holding out his hand waiting for me to take it. He must not know I'm not the one you can swoon and charm. So I just sat there looking at his hand waiting for him to got to him point.

"um ok well I see you are not in the talking mood, I just came over to apologize for what happened back there. I could see that you were hurt and I sure my friends didn't intend to do that."

"look I don't need you over here trying to play the savior, I don't need to be saved by anyone but Jesus Christ himself."

"Ok, well I'm not over here trying to be your savior, I am just trying to be a gentlemen and be considerate of your feelings, because what they did was wrong back there and I will personally take care of it myself." He says while looking at me with the most sincere and Ginuwine eyes I have ever seen.

"well I'm fine thank you for asking and checking on me" I reply while trying to keep my breathing under control. This man knows he is sex on a stick but I know I have to remind myself that he is over here just trying to be kind and not for anything else.

"May I buy you a drink?"

"No that's ok, I don't want you feel like you have to do that because of that little incident, i'm ok"

"No that's not it at all, I would like to buy you one if that's ok with you" while he is standing their waiting on my answer I am contemplating in my head if I should allow him to buy me a drink or not because men as good looking as him usually would want something in return and I am not that type of girl. I may be a lil self-conscious and have low self-esteem at times but I am not the hoe type.

"no it's ok really, um I have to go nice meeting you." I got up and hurried to the exit of the club.

My emotions are just to high right now to deal with this first I get banned from VIP and then the sexy man comes up to me giving signal like he is interested but I know it is all just an act.

"shoot I almost forgot about Nicole and Z in the club" I say to myself as I make my way to my car.

"they will be alright because from the looks of things they are not going home alone."

Just when I was about to open up my car door I feel a hand on my right shoulder. Quickly turning around and startled I noticed it was the dude ...Deon I think he said was his name.

"Look, I didn't mean to run you off in there, I was just trying to do something nice and get to know you that all." He says while looking at me.

Their goes those eyes again look so sweet and sincere but I know its just and act. Stay strong Sheri.

"look I know your type and what you are trying to do so stop acting like you are interested with your whole sweet routine, I know a guy like you would never go for a girl like me so you can stop the act" I say while getting into my beat up nineteen ninety one Honda. Ugh this car is so embarrassing right now.

"Wait can I at least get your name?" he yells right before I pull off leaving him in the dust. The least I can do is give him my name.

"Sheri" I said right before I sped off in my bucket of bolts.

Excuse grammar and spelling mistakes

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