Chapter 1.5 - Noah's POV

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Chapter 1.5 - Noah's POV

I'm on my walk home from work. When I see Mrs. Waters. She's trying to wake up Ella - her granddaughter - when I say, "Hi, Mrs. Waters." She looks up in surprise and says, "Noah? Is that you dear?" I nod and tell her it is. "Oh I haven't seen you in forever dear. How are you," she asks. "Good, do you need help," I ask her. "Ya I'm just trying to wake Ella up. But I feel so bad because she just got back from Canada. Would you mind carrying her up to her room," she replies. I tell her I will, and I pick up Ella. I realise I don't know where here room is, so I ask, "Umm... Mrs. Waters, where's here room?" "Exactly where it always has been," she tells me. I nod.

I carry Ella upstairs into her large room, and set her on her bed. Her phone drops, and I notice she has one of the iPhone's with the finger scanner. I put her finger to the scanner, then go to contacts. I add a contact and call it Prince Charming, I put my cell number in too. I then leave her a note. I'm tempted to tell her who I am, and how we know each other, but I don't. After I do that I soon leave.

Once I get home I take a short nap. I'm waken up from it by my phone ringing. "Hello," I tiredly ask, when I answer the phone. "Ummm.... Hello. This is the girl, who you carried to her room. And somehow unlocked my phone, to add you're contact info," Ella says. "Oh, you're sleeping beauty. I'm surprised you actually called. Well even found the contact for that matter," I say. I'm so happy to hear her voice. "Well I wasn't going to but my grandma, told me to invite you over for dinner. You already know where we live too," she tells me. I asks her, "Well do you want me too? I wouldn't come if you don't want me to."

"It doesn't matter." Ella replies. I say, "Ok. Well what time should I come at?" She tells me, "Well we usually eat at 6. So maybe 5:30." I awkwardly say, "umm.. Alright. Oh hey... My name's Noah." She tells me her name, which I already know. Then we say goodbye and I hang up.

I decide to shower, put on some jeans, and a white t-shirt. After that I walk to Ella's house. I ring the doorbell, and Mrs. Waters quickly answers, and allows me in.

Sorry that this is so short. I've had it typed for a while and, wanted to add more but, couldn't think of anything. Anyways have a great day and thanks for reading this.

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