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     AN ANGRY SIGH LEFT YOUR MOUTH as you recalled the events from both yesterday and two nights ago. Three years, which is one thousand and ninety-five days that you spent in love. All down the drain like it never existed.

Two nights ago, your ex broke up with you on your third anniversary where you two spent it at a fancy restaurant. He was completely apathetic which seriously annoyed the shit out of you.

Yesterday you were returning an expensive designer bag he bought you for your second anniversary. Turned out, it got rejected since it was a fake. Yup. That's right.

Your ex bought you a fake designer bag for your second anniversary. What bullshit. Although you did run into him when in the streets and managed to beat him up as payment. Which felt rather good despite the crowd that surrounded you two.

You snapped out of your angry daze when you heard some whispering from behind you. Turning, you saw two of your co-workers muttering to each other whilst glancing at you before they, too, looked away due to being caught.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄. // S. GOJO (||)Where stories live. Discover now