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One thing led to another and now here you were, sitting across a cheeky Utahime and a calm Choso. You were grateful the latter wasn't acting out or so because you had your fair share of Utahime already.

"Aren't you so sweet? Taking us out for dinner because of all the trouble you caused that night!" Utahime snickers, taking in the pleasure of seeing your gloomed face.

Not with ill intentions, of course. Your dear friend wasn't like that.

The black-haired male remained silent with a nonchalant facial expression as he glanced around the area.

Shaking your head, you open your mouth, "Yeah... it's the least I could do.. aha..." Trailing off with an awkward laugh, you muttered, "Not like you forced me..."

"What was that?"


Your phone that was placed on the table screen down vibrated. The delayed noise of your ringtone played a couple of seconds afterward. You arched a brow, lifting your hand to flip it over.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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