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     FIVE CRUSHES. YOU'VE HAD FIVE crushes your whole life and dated only four of them. Out of the five, only one guy rejected your confession. In your opinion, he did so rather coldly. In fact, that was the very person who was right in front of your face.

"Man, it's been so long since I've seen you. It's been what—?  Twelve years?" Gojo chuckled, manspreading on his seat, "You been okay without me?"

"Of course. It's been years after all." You did your best to not trail your eyes all over him. In high school, he was good looking, and always had girls dick riding—not literally, you noticed he rarely got into relationships despite the attention—no matter what he did.

But now? He was deadly. His looks were deadly, you meant.

"So? Whatchu doing here in Australia? Did you move too?" He questioned, raising a brow. His voice got noticeably deeper too. Very different from how it was back then.

"...You didn't hear?"

You didn't hear?"

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𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄. // S. GOJO (||)Where stories live. Discover now