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Chapter Eight

Yoongi ran his hands up and down his legs as he waited for the therapist. He didn't want to be here, but Namjoon had told him that if he didn't do it on his own, he would find a way to force him to; Yoongi couldn't spend the rest of his life cooped up in his room during the day, and out in the garden at night. He needed to, at the very least, eat a meal with them.

Jimin had offered to come with him, but Yoongi refused; he wanted to do this on his own. To face everything that was going to happen and not be afraid anymore. Three weeks of hiding never stopped Jimin from seeking Yoongi out. Even when he ignored Jimin or walked away, he never got mad. Yoongi wasn't used to it; it was strange not to be forced into things like he always had been with Master.

"Yoongi, are you ready?" the woman called from the door.

Yoogi stood and nodded; he walked out the door, his heart racing; he could feel the sweat on his brow building. He pulled at the collar of his shirt, but it was too tight around his neck. He closed his eyes and stopped walking. Yoongi took several deep breaths, flinching when he felt a set of hands on him.

"It's just me," Jimin whispered, "I thought you might need me."

Yoongi sighed, "Thanks," he replied, a small smile playing on his lips. He liked the way Jimin made him feel. It was a strange sense of calm. Maybe that's why he was always trying to push Jimin away. As much as he liked it, it also made him uncomfortable. "I'm ready now," Yoongi said and stepped away from Jimin, who informed him he would be waiting for him if he needed him.

"Hello, I am Pamela," the woman said as Yoongi walked into the office.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Yoongi, but I guess you know that," he replied, scratching the back of his head.

She smiled and told Yoongi to have a seat, pointing to one of the chairs while sitting in the other. He took a steadying breath as he sat, his heart still beating quickly and his breathing still a bit ragged. He hated the anxiety, the fear of closing his eyes. Pamela gave him a soft smile. Yoongi looked around the office. It was nice and simple. A bookshelf full of different books and what looked like board games. He thought that was strange but didn't think too hard about it. The walls were a soft grey, probably due to his worry.

"Sorry," Yoongi said, waving his hand around the room.

Pamela shrugged, "I always wanted to see what it would look like in here with a different color," she replied, "There's no need to be nervous; the first few sessions are for us to get comfortable with each other before we get into the heavy stuff."

Yoongi nodded, "Ok," he whispered, putting his head down.

They sat in silence for a few moments before Pamela asked how things were going at the house. Yoongi sighed and sat back, folding his arms across his chest. It wasn't going that well, but at least he came out of his room now. Pamela nodded, making a note in her notebook before asking about Jimin. Yoongi smiled, telling her that he was turning into a friend; he had never had a friend before, but it was nice.

"Do you trust him?" Pamela asked, a serious look on her face.

"I don't know yet," Yoongi replied honestly, "it's hard... after everything," he added.

Pamela nodded, telling him that it was normal and, at some point, it would be easier to trust the people around him. Yoongi nodded, not really believing her; how could he when everyone he had ever known was nothing but cruel to him? The hour passed quickly as they got to know each other. Yoongi was more relaxed by the time he got up to leave.

Jimin was still in the waiting area. He smiled when he saw Yoongi. Yoongi smiled back. He was happy to see him still there like he said he would. It was nice; Jimin was the first person in his life that if he said he was going to do something, he did it.

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