Chapter 3: Summertime Sadness Arc: Party Favor

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A/N (again sorry!)

Thank you people for baring with me with my whirlwind of ideas! I hope you enjoy it! But there is a trigger warning sadly; TW! Abortion talk, panic attacks, talks of SH and vomit! Also I have updates on my tumblr: lilyjan3! Thank you for reading!


It's been 4 weeks since the... incident. It's almost Tina's birthday which was the next day, and she was pumped about getting everything back to normal, like before her date with Jimmy Jr. She still felt very stressed out and was also starting to feel nauseous. With that aside she was gonna go to a park, to celebrate with her friends and family. Then, go to Joselyn's house to party with just her close friends. Joselyn was always nicer to Tina than Tammy ever was but, that's no surprise.

"Hey T? You good?" Louise inquired while Tina stumbled out of her room. "Why'd you sleep in? You never sleep in. What's up?" She asked more intensely. She was always more keen when it came to her siblings especially after something went wrong.

"Did you do another late night chili contest without us?!" Gene quizzed while holding a smile. Then Tina realized her siblings were always good cop, bad cop. No matter to whoever they were talking to they always played that card unintentionally.

"No I didn't I ju-" Tina tried to say before running to the bathroom, losing any and all food that she had in her that morning.

"Oh my Teeny Tina! Are you sick? Before your birthday! Awh!" Linda spoke softly but not without panic as she rushed over to Tina in the bathroom.

"Ewww!" Louise and Gene simultaneously laughed while Tina was trying to stare daggers into them but was too stunned and felt too sick to do that.

"You don't feel hot.. did you do the chili challenge thingy you and you kids did that one time?" Linda asked while laughing quietly to herself

"That's what I said!" Gene laughed to
His mother.

"Stick it up- oh! Tina!" The dark haired woman tried to speak but then Tina vomited again.

"Blech.. that was just acid.."  Tina gagged into the toilet.

Then, the realization hits.

Uh oh. What if I'm..? no. No. NO!

Tina thought to herself. Everything could either go super wrong or super right. Her body tensed up. Everything was spinning and she couldn't breathe. Her eyes started watering but she only noticed because she felt a wet face and then heard the atrocious gasps. It was all so overwhelming she ended up throwing up again from stress and the sickness she felt, mostly the stress

"Tina? TINA!?" She heard someone calling her name but she couldn't hear who, everyone's voices were swirling around and around her face. She felt soft hands on her shoulders and on her face.

Then everything went black.


Everything came back to her in waves first the sickness, then the stress, then the pain from the vomit. Everything was fuzzy until her dad broke the silence.

"Tina? Are you ok?" Her dad asked quietly and softly, feeling her head, then, speaking something incoherently to her mom, it sounded like he was worried about something.

"Huh? What happened??" Tina asked wide eyed. She tried to sit back but an insufferable pain shot up to her head and up to her eyes.

Great, a migraine.

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