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As Annabelle was walking back to her house, a tall man like image came out of one of the bushes in her front lane, grabbing her and taking her into there backward, Annabelle screaming, but it could not be heard due to the person how ever it may be, holding his hand over her mouth.

Taylor wondered why it was taking Annabelle so long to get home since Scott had called out and went out to get her about 15mins ago and yet either of them had made it back into the house, so she thought that she would check out what was up with them.

Taylor opened up the door to the front yard and looked around, yet no sign of either of them, she even went up and asked Kayleb if Annabelle had left, Kayleb answered back with yep about 15 minutes ago.

Taylor was running around, her head swirling, where was her sister and father. As she was passing the fence it came to her attention that the fence was open and their shed light was on, and no one ever went in there. Taylor ran into the backyard and to the door. She tried to yank the door open, but it must have been locked, luckly in the swift house hold they always left a key under the mat, so she looked under the mat and with out a doubt there was the key.

Once she unlocked the door she came barging in, horrified off what she saw.

Scott's naked body on top of Annabelle's delicate nude body. Annabelle's face white with horror. Her eyes squeezed shut front pain.

Taylor screamed at the top off her lungs, making Scott look back to see his oldest daughter looking directly at him. Shock in her eyes, Andrea them burst in just as surprised and shocked as the rest of them. The three Taylor, Scott and Andrea were all looking between each other waiting for another else to speak.


Cliffhanger, I'm sorry guys I hated writing this but it has to happen in the story, good will come forth in this bad

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