Chapter 2: An Ultimatum

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Jesse returned home later that night, sighing as he moved his raven black hair out of his eyes. He had one operation to do, yet it was enough to drain him. It was a very sensitive operation. And while it was successful, it made it feel like it took nine hours instead of four. Oh, but maybe that was just him being over tired or dramatic.

He took a seat on the couch, letting out an exhale. He picked up a notebook from the coffee table along with a pen. He wanted to write some more ideas for his story before he had to make himself dinner. He had a long day, he deserved a nice-

Ring, ring


Of course.. Just as he made himself comfortable, the landline phone started ringing. 

With an annoyed sigh, Jesse shut his notebook, getting up and heading to the kitchen. Heavens almighty, at least it wasn't any later. The few times the phone rang late at night, needless to say, he was not happy in the slightest. And the caller that night very quickly realized it.

He picked up the phone, holding it to his ear and mouth. "Jesse Thornhart, how may I help you?" He greeted, leaning against the wall.

"Good evening, Mister Thornhart. I hope I'm not disturbing you." A familiar, almost growly voice spoke through the receiver. Jesse tensed up a bit. He knew that voice.

It was the owner of the hospital, Absinthe.

Absinthe was... a terrifying woman, to say the least. There was just something about her that was ever so slightly off. For that reason, she never really talked to the patients. There was a rumor that she was apart of a cult or something. Though, those same rumors came from the ones that believed Kitsune had a self-esteem issue.

So needless to say, he took it with a grain of salt. He was not one for gossip, afterall. 

"Ah- M-Miss Absinthe, good evening." He greeted, trying to keep his composure despite the unexpected, out of work call. "Did you need anything?" He asked.

"Not particularly, no. However, I do have some unfortunate news for you, Thornhart." Absinthe responded.

This only put Jesse more on edge, as he fidgeted with his opened shirt collar. "Unfortunate news..? And what would that be? Is it serious?"

"I'm afraid so, yes. You see, I noticed your surgical license is about to expire. And well... You know the rules. Given that it's about to expire very soon -in two days, in fact- you won't be able to come back to the hospital to work until you get a new one."

Jesse felt his breath get caught in his throat. Was that true? If that was the case, then...

"How on earth did I not notice..." He muttered.

"Now now, no need to panic, Mister Thornhart. I do have a... proposition, of sorts for you." Absinthe stated.

"A proposition?" Jesse echoed. "What kind of a proposition?"

"We'll have to keep the whole thing under wraps, of course, as it isn't the most legal thing in the world. Though, you'll still be able to operate." Absinthe started.
"The deal is: you may continue operating as long as you allow yourself and one other person to partake in our clinic trials."

Jesse paused for a moment, thinking it over. The whole thing sounded shady, and he knew that. Not to mention, most definitely illegal... Though, on the other, he was a professional. No one would be able to tell. It was a well respected hospital, so it couldn't be that bad, right? Besides, this way, he'd still be able to see Kitsune.

And work on his 'project'.

He swallowed before speaking again. "I... I accept." He stated.

He could almost hear the grin in Absinthe's voice as she replied. "Wonderful. I knew you'd make the right choice. You are one of our best doctors, afterall." 

"R-Right.." Jesse responded. "If I may ask, Absinthe, who is this other person? Why do they matter in regards to this?"

"Oh, it's nothing you need to concern yourself with, Mister Thornhart.." Absinthe cooed. "We'll let you know in advance when you have a trial due- as with the other participant." She explained.

"We'll see you tomorrow, Jesse. Have a good night."


Jesse hung the phone back onto the wall, gulping a bit. All of a sudden, he had a slight pit in his stomach. What in the world did he just sign up for? Why was Absinthe so vague about the whole ordeal, as well as who this other participant was? He just hoped the other person wouldn't be too unwilling.

And so, he tried to spend the rest of his evening relaxing. Perhaps it wouldn't be that bad at all! He was probably just being paranoid. Those rumors must've stuck to him, he thought. And so, he continued on.

...Ignoring that one part in his head, screaming at him that this was a bad idea.

But what could he do? He already gave Absinthe his word.

All he could do now was sit and wait for whatever was going to happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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