chapter 2 darkness rising part 2

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Somewhere on Mobius, the nemesis descends towards a mine and large elevator descended from decepticon warship hatch as it opened up.

Starscream: Of the energon deposits we have located, while you were away lord megatron. This one is by far the most significant. The drones have been mining without paws during your absence, and have amassed quite a stockpile. You there fetch me a sample

But the decepticon police officer name Barricade sighs and very not suprise, Starscream lead the decepticons, but they hear voice

But the decepticon police officer name Barricade sighs and very not suprise, Starscream lead the decepticons, but they hear voice

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The voice: starscream!

They turn back and they see their master, megatton comes out of the shadow, walking towards them and passess them

They turn back and they see their master, megatton comes out of the shadow, walking towards them and passess them

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Megatron: Now that i have returned. I will issue the commands

Barricade: We know you return my liege

Megatron: ah barricade long time no see

Starscream: i...undertsand, lord Megatron. Thenas your humble servant, shall i ready the space bridge, to bring forth decepticon army you have surely gathered during your there years in space

Megatron: My army will come. But my time away has yielded a more intruguing means of materializing them, a solidfied form the ancients refer to as the blood of unicron

Megatron show he's seconed commander the purple crystal shard he had in his hand, Starscream look at the crystal and he recognize that crystal the the dark energon

Starscream: Unicron the destroyer. But it is said that his blood is the anti-spark, it has been practically non-existent since Cybertron went dark

Megatron: Plucked fromcosmic shores. Gaze upon... DARK ENERGON

Starscream: last time i'm remember you use it dark energon in stasis lock to be powerfull. But Lengend tells that it holds the power to... revive the dead

Barricade: I thought dark energon is gone my liege sinse the orbital station was destroyed with dark energon

Megatron: It was barricade but. We require only a cadaver to be certain

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