chapter 3 darkness rising part 3

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Whisper was sitting on Arcee's motocycle form which her helmet on in the desert next stop sign, she reveed her engine.

Arcee: Tighten your grip Whisper.

She started acceleting forward at a high speed catching Whisper off guard as she did wheelie, Whisper didn't why Arcee was in a better mood today. About the short last night argument

Whisper: Woah! What's with you, Arcee?

Arcee: I thought you might actually enjoy the ride if you weren't getting shot at.

Whisper: Hm, bring it

From same area, athe side where Prowl was in he's police car alt mode with jewel inside the deceased Bluestrwak battled the Decepticons soldiers.

Jewel: Okay here information about Eggman and others villians

She dowload restoration data information to Prowl, he see very information about Eggman

Prowl: Hm he's creator of robots and leader of he's empire no wounder why you fighting him but how he get here on mobius?

Jewel: We not sure Sonic fighting him all years

Prowl: I see

Jewel: But we never thought meet alien robots, but sinse you meet us, we will help you

Prowl: Jewel, I'm supposed to be protect you.

Jewel: I know.

As part of the desert, Ironhide and Bumblebee, in their vehicle mode, Bee was playing video games with Tangle inside of him, Tangle was lose to winning, But Bumblebee knocked her of the race track, Tangle saw this and complauned.

As part of the desert, Ironhide and Bumblebee, in their vehicle mode, Bee was playing video games with Tangle inside of him, Tangle was lose to winning, But Bumblebee knocked her of the race track, Tangle saw this and complauned

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Tangle: AWW!!

bumblebee: Beep! (HA HA! I win!)

Tangle laughs

Tangle: No fair, Bee! You've drove longer than i have!

Ironhide: Are you two done?

Tangle: Oh come on Ironhide it's not that bad playing video game

Ironhide: Now i think you and bee like each other

Tangle: Hehe we are just friends...

Ironhide: also how can you understand Bee what he say?

Tangle: maybe because i'm understand morse code.

Ironhide: I see.

Back in Autobot base, Inside the main center, ops the only occupant present was Ratchet. Medic officer/scientist stood by a lab table, he see Jazz meditates he ingnored and still examining the same of the purple gooz the same he removed from Arcee, throught a specialized microscope.

Ratchet: Thank Primus for peace and quit. House guests can be such a bother.

But then, Ratchet and Jazz was grabbed by the sound of metal hitting the ground. He brought up his helm and turned if from left, around his lab area. After seeing nothing unusual, Jazz going back he's meditation, Ratchet shrugged his shoulder, passing it off nothing, before averting his attention back to he's task at hand.

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