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This is probably going to be one of the only times where I write not in the gc, unless I give up on the whole gc thingy and make it a normal fanfic instead- but rn that's not gonna happen😋


3rd person POV:
Geoff was waiting in-patiently, it's about 5 minutes till the clock hits 8pm and the party has officially started. He couldn't be more exited, some of these people he hasn't seen since total drama, even though they all live near each other(AN: It makes the fanfic easier :,)) they never really hang out.

Bridgette was also exited, mostly bc she gets to see her friends again, but also bc she loves seeing Geoff looking so happy, It makes her happy.


Geoff ran out of the room and to the door which the bell just rang on.

Outside stood a very much pissed Eva, a freezing Noah(AN: yk since it's winter and stuff :P), a very much happy looking Owen and "normal" Izzy.

"HEY DUDES AND DUDETTES YOU GUYS ARE THE FIRST ONCE HERE!! Just make yourself feel at home!!"

*Time skip till everyone's there*
(AN: I'm lazy-)

The party's been going on for 45 minutes and Cody and Duncan are already fighting over who can take the most shots, but guessing over how it's going... Duncan's winning.

Harold is just following Leshawna around like a lost puppy while Leshawna is talking with Gwen.

Bridgette and Geoff are just making out on the side of the living room(AN: Are we shocked? No.)

Izzy wants to jump from the roof of the house, and Eva is trying to stop her from doing that stunt of hers.

Heather and Lindsay are talking and to be honest it looks like they are both enjoying the others company!

Owen is surprisingly(not) starring at Justin while they're drinking some soda that Geoff bought for the people who don't drink or just don't want to.

A very surprising trio that's talking right now is Noah, Trent and Courtney. They were talking about the smiths since Trent has been trying to get Noah to listen to them for the last 5 minutes.

Courtney turned to see the shot fight between Cody and Duncan, she turned to the other two and said.

"Shouldn't y'all help your bfs out?" She pointed to the two taking their 11th and 6th shot(AN:guess who's who I dare yall-).

"First off all, not our boyfriends, second of all, I guess you're right, nobody else is planning on i-" Trent started, but was quickly cut off by Courtney.

"Yeah-yeah, anywho talk to y'all later!" And within a second the CIT was gone.(to talk with Gwen)

"I guess we should stop the drinking competition huh?" Noah asked Trent while raising one of his eyebrows.

"Yeah, let's go!" Trent said and they both started to walk through the waves of people to get to the kitchen where the shots are.

When they both got there Duncan and Cody both looked like they both would be on the floor any second.

"Alright, that's enough you two, no more shots." Trent said as he took both the bottle of the drink and the glasses they used.

"But Trent!- *BURP*..." Cody looked down onto his shoes, he couldn't see straight, everything was blurry and his breath stinks, he was about to slip on air when a hand landed on his shoulder.

He turned around to see Noah standing there chuckling to himself.

"Here, drink this." He said while giving him a glass of water.

On the other side of the kitchen table Trent was fighting Duncan to try and get him to take a pain killer.

"Come on Duncan, take it!" Trent whined as he was getting rather annoyed with the boy in front of him. Yes he might like him, but that does not make this any easier.

"NO! I don't take stuff from strangers!(says the fucking boy who went to juvenile)"  Duncan yelled pushing away Trent's hand that was trying to give him the pain killers.

"But I'm not a stranger! It's me, Trent. Now take it!!" Trent said as he for the fourth time tried to give Duncan the pills.

Duncan stopped moving for a moment before a smile popped upon his face, and that honestly scared Trent shitless.

"Oh Trent! Hey man, why didn't you just *BURP* say it was you?" Duncan slurred out, Trent got confused, the Duncan he knew would still protest even if he knew it was him or not, but Trent didn't say anything because in the end he finally got Duncan to take the pain killers.

He sighed of relief as he turned to see Noah carrying Cody out of the kitchen as Cody couldn't walk himself bc he was stumbling everywhere.

"You know, you're kinda hot." Trent's head takes a whole 180 and gave Duncan the most shocked face he had ever had.

"Excuse me?-" He cut himself off at the end, no because what would you say if the very straight guy you liked called you hot?

"I said what I said" Duncan said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Alright, you're drunk. Let's go to the sofa or something, I wanna listen to music" Trent said taking Duncan's hand and dragging him out of the kitchen.

"Ofc you would wanna listen to music.."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

*With Cody and Noah*

"Noahhh!!!!" Cody whined, Noah takes a deep breath, he was happily reading his book, but it was really hard when you had a drunk Cody trying to get your attention though.

"Yes Cody?" Noah sighed, Cody thought for a moment about something to say and after a few seconds of silent(which Noah loved) Cody finally opened his mouth and said.

"I bet if you were a girl, you would be a SUPER smash" he said wiggling his

total whorese for drama:


Gwen: No? What did he say

Heather: istg if it's something stupid

Courtney: Knowing Cody it probably is.

Alejandro: yeah-

Izzy: He said and I quote "I bet if you were a girl, you would be a SUPER smash" TO NOAH.

Gwen: Oh!

Alejandro: Are we shocked?

Courtney: Pretty sure the dudes drunk though.

Harold: No cause sober Cody would definitely say the same thing Courtney.

Justin: Can confirm he def would

Courtney: that's... lovely.

Gwen: Dang be feeling bad for people who have to keep up with him atp

Justin: be fr needing the pity atm, bc seeing Cody drunk and trying to flirt with Noah is horrible..

Harold: Oh gosh
Harold: Is he really??

Justin: sadly..

Owen: I think it's ok! But my buddy looks a little warm, he's very red in the face, should we ask Cody to take him outside or something?

Leshawna: I'm going to be honest Owen, I think Noah's fine dw

Owen: Alright!!!


Owen: Sure Izzy!!


Owen: Oh?


Party's over y'all🥲 but hey this is my chapter with the most words with 1186 words!!

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