CH. 5 : A Desperate Situation

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TV World, Eerie City

*3rd Person POV*

"Who could've guess that we would cross path again," Y/n Smirked at the group.

"Y/n! We-" Naoto was cut off by Y/n.

"Ah bah bah bah, save the talk for later! we still have shadows to fight!" He offered his hand to her.

Naoto smiled and too his hand. Yukari summons her persona and healed Naoto by using Dia skills. Mitsuru is examining the battlegrounds, looking for a way to get out of the alleyway.

"Over there! we can get out of this alleyway by going over there!" Mitsuru pointed out to the area where there's less shadows.

The group along with Y/n quickly made their way towards the opening. A few shadows tried to block their exit but Y/n dashed to them, he sliced through the shadows with a seamless blend of agility and precision.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Y/n's relentless assault and agile maneuvers began to turn the tide. Shadows fell one by one, dissipating into nothingness. With a final, decisive strike, Y/n vanquished the formidable adversary, leaving only the echoes of the vanquished shadows in the alley.

Y/n looked back to the group. "Quick before more shadows arrive!" He signaled them.

The group made their way out of the alleyway towards the empty streets. There they saw a group of people making their way towards them. The group was Yu and the others, finally arriving to give aid.

"Mitsuru-san! We're here!" Yu came in running followed by Akihiko, Yosuke, Teddie, as well as Yukiko and Kanji.

Just then the colossal shadow came into the view, Yu's eyes opened wide, he had never seen such shadows before. Yukiko covered her mouth in terror while Teddie hides behind Kanji who looks concerned.

"Holy... shit.. What is that!??" Kanji look in disbelief. Sure he had face off against many shadows before, but this one is different.

"What do you think dumbass, of course it's a shadow!" Y/n sarcastically said with a grin on his face. Kanji look towards Y/n with the 'No shit sherlock' expression on his face.

"Well let's hit it with everything we got!" Yu held his hand out summoning his persona "Izanagi! Come forth!"

Izanagi, a humanoid figure with a distinct appearance. It wears a suit of armor with a white and gold color scheme. The persona carries a large, ornate spear and is often depicted with a flowing cape. The overall design reflects a combination of traditional Japanese mythological elements and modern aesthetics.

Izanagi's gaze locked onto the encroaching Shadows, and with a swift movement of its spear, the persona unleashed a powerful burst of energy, Decimating any shadows that comes to its path

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Izanagi's gaze locked onto the encroaching Shadows, and with a swift movement of its spear, the persona unleashed a powerful burst of energy, Decimating any shadows that comes to its path.

Yosuke smiled at Yu. "No need to tell me twice partner! Jiraiya!". A burst of energy surrounding yosuke as he summons his persona, Jiraiya.

 A burst of energy surrounding yosuke as he summons his persona, Jiraiya

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