The Murder in the Cottage

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I never thought it would come to this. Blood on the floor was never the plan when I found that book.

Rain. Today it's pouring out. It is the type of day where fuzzy socks, a warm fire, tea, and a good book are a must. I love days like this. relaxing on my black sofa in front of the fire in my dark house with only the glow from my fire, and the light grey sky to light my way. It usually calms my nerves until I have a flashback from my nightmares. They always seem to have this one old man. He has long grey hair, has a terrifying glow in his eyes and carrying a butcher knife engraved with a grey "Z".

When I have flashbacks, I always grab a book to distract me, but of course, when I need it most I am out of books. So, I have to go to the small bookstore within walking distance from my house.

I get off the couch, and the cold of the dark grey flooring seeps into my socks and onto my feet. Leaving my comfort of warmth, I grab my favourite stained red hoodie, shoes, wallet, phone, and keys. Opening the door, I am blasted with cold air, turning my face redder than my hoodie. I step into the rain and adventure into the bookstore.

Zelda!!. You have got to be kidding me. That obnoxious voice belongs to the most annoying guy in the grade. Vikram. He seems to always show up when it is least convenient. For example, when I almost had my first kiss, Vikram just "happened" to pop in.

"I missed you; we should hang out", he says with the biggest grin, eyes sparkling.

Wish I could say the same. Bye I try to turn away, but he grabs my arm as if pleading with me to stay.

"Wow, I dont even get a good in that bye? "he says while pretending to be hurt. "Careful if you keep flirting like that, I might fall in love with you ",he says with an obnoxious flirty tone while brushing through his curly hair with his hand.

"Bye Vikram" I say while walking away as fast as possible. Hopefully, for once he will catch the hint to leave me alone.

I make up for the mystery section. Today just feels like a murder mystery kind of day. I scan the covers picking one up every so often and reading the cover. Nothing is catching my eye until I see this one book. It seems as if it's glowing, floating off the shelf basically begging me to pick it up and take it home. "Murder in the Cottage" I pick up the book to read

the back and what the heck? There is nothing on the back. No summary or reviews from authors or editors. Just a small letter "Z". Seriously though, what the heck is this? Is this some kind of trick book to scare the crap out of people? Honestly, Id be really stupid to open it. But I never said I was smart, so I flipped open the book. I open to the first page. Nothing. The second. Nothing. The tenth. Nothing. Its like that for the next hundred pages. Maybe its a journal? When I get to the 110th page, a note falls out. I pick up the fallen note and dust off the nasty secondhand bookstore floor off the note. The note is white with red at the top, the colour of dried blood. The red ink looks like it is seeping down into the paper as if it would come out of the letter, grab hold of me and envelope me in its red bloody state. It feels like blood. It smells like blood; dont ask how I know that. I know I dont actually need to open this letter I can just put it back in the book and leave it for someone else or hand it over to the police. I dont have time to make my decisionbecause suddenly a hand comes from behind me and steals the note before I can process what to do.

"Zelda!!!!!!", Vikram. Again. Just leave me alone for once. That is all I ask. What is this?. I turn on my heels and face Vikram. Our faces are way too close. I can see the specks of gold in his green eyes and his unfairly long eyelashes.

Give it back Vikram.

"OooOOoOoooO is this a loooooooooove letter?" he says looking over the note. He examines the note further for like 0.2 seconds and widens his eyes. "Wait. ARE YOU SEEING

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