Random headcannons about them

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-When you first started dating he didn't show a lot of physical touch and was really shy
-When you began to show affection towards him he felt awkward as he didn't really know how to act, especially when you hugged him or something similar
-He didn't feel uncomfortable but he just felt weird in a way, he then began to get used to it and also started showing it
-Slowly and slowly he began to act more clingy towards you (if you didn't mind ofc)
-He loves your presence. Even if you have to sit with him in a room in silence, he would.
-He has insomnia ☹️
-You make him feel safe 🫶🏻

-She also loves your presence, she'd rather hang out with you than anyone else tbh
-She loves to hang out in random abandoned places at night (if you want to)
-Loves listening to music with you :3
-She probably also has insomnia
-She's also probably kinda depressed and doesn't really take care of herself☹️
-She's scared you'd leave her and sometimes needs to be constantly reassured (but then she's scared that you'll leave her because of her paranoia so she tries to brush it off)

I HOPE these aren't too ooc (or however you type it- its like "headcannons that aren't accurate at all and don't make sense with the certain characters" if you get what I mean💔)

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