You're sick

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•This man doesn't know SHIT😭😭
•He tries to help you as much but usually looks everything up online and asks you like ten thousand questions
•He ends up cuddling with you in bed even tho the next day HE got sick
•"Simon.. you'll get sick, get off of me.."
  "But.. this is the least I can do, right?"
•He makes you stay in bed all day and tries to do the chores you did, ends up giving up and going into your room to snuggle with you while you talk about random stuff

She kinda knew what she was doing and tried to help you a bit more
•Like Simon, she ends up snuggling with you in bed, not so close tho (and not for much) since she won't want to get sick
•"I wish I could stay with you I just don't want to get sick, sorry"
•She'll also make you stay in bed all day untill you start feeling a bit better, than she'll help you with your daily chores so you finish faster and won't put in as much effort

Note: Hiiii :3 I'm SO fucking sorry I haven't been uploading :( But I'm back now🫶🏼🫶🏼 I saw u guys liked this story and I'll see which one's I'll continue and which one's I won't, probably deleting them🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
(Not this one tho)

Hope you guys liked this chapter💞

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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