Cat Cafe ~ Part 4

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Hello guys! Thank you again for the support you gave to me!! I have been recently crying because I'm also getting tired of life and my friends are like acting weird to me. But there were fun moments, sometimes. This story really motivated me to write stories that even my language skills improved even if English isn't my first language. I really thought at first I'd get like a few readers but that just became a bunch of people. Thank you for reading! Now back to the story.

Sayori's POV:

I was just having a nice sleep but my loud ass alarm woke me up. I got mad since I also couldn't fall asleep as soon as I woke up. Yuichiro barged in my room and had a beef with me since he said that he could hear my alarm. Muichiro heard us having a beef so he settled things down.

Yuichiro: change ur alarm sound settings goddamn

Sayori: nahh, I can't change the sound of my alarm

Muichiro: damn, we just woke up and y'all had a beef already?

Yuichiro and Sayori: it's a daily routine- JINX

Muichiro: whatever I'm gonna do something in my room

I wondered what Muichiro was gonna do so I spied on him because his door was like 10% open. He was talking to someone? WAIT WHO OMFG 😧. TANJIRO WGAHAHAHHSGSHAHAHHAAG. I then stopped spying, went to Yuichiro to tell him what happened. 



Muichiro: what are you laughing about goddamn????

We didn't realize that Muichiro went out of his room due to our loudness

Yuichiro: uh.. we definitely just uh remembered a video that we watched a few days ago

Sayori: yes, indeed.

Muichiro: what video was it?

Yuichiro: uhm.. a dancing rainbow frog 10 hours (IM ADDICTED TO IT DURING 2017-2018 HUHU)

Muichiro: hmkay..

Yuichiro and I then took out our phones and watched the video so we won't be obvious. It was iconic fr. It was too addictive that we didn't realize that we were staring at our phones for hours. We then realized what we were doing and stopped the video. I ordered some sushi from North- I mean South Korea using VPN so I hope delivery man from Korea could arrive here in Japan 🥰. Yuichiro said my idea was so inspiring and genius. We then looked at my phone to check when it will arrive and... 3 hours. Great.

Muichiro's POV:

It was fr dumb of Sayori and Yuichiro to order sushi from South Korea using VPN. But the idea was funny though. I actually hoped that they don't realize that the person I was talking to at the phone was Tanjiro. We were talking about going out to eat somewhere today. So while they were waiting for their order, I got ready and stuff and told Yuichiro that I'll be going on a walk and eat somewhere. He agreed.

When Muichiro arrived at the meeting place...

When I arrived at our meeting place, I realized how dumb I was since Tanjiro and I have been meeting each other for like the past 4 days I guess? But the area was beautiful. It had Sakura trees and random gorgeous things. I was thinking if he was gonna confess? I hop- I mean, Nahh. He then arrived and we walked to a cat cafe ("hey author, didn't you mean restaurant?" Nope, I said "somewhere". Btw this is for some people who I guess thought that they will eat at a restaurant?*) The cats were adorable and if seems like each one of them adored me a lot since they kept following me and going near me. I was fighting the urge to snatch my favorite one and leave ASAP. 

When Tanjiro and I ordered drinks, I heard a voice say "I'll probably confess in a few weeks or months I guess? Maybe not today since we just met like a few days" excited for the confe- I mean not excited (definitely). The drink we ordered arrived and it was really really cute!!!! It had a cat 3D art on it and the drink tasted good. When I looked at Tanjiro's drink...I was trying to fight the urge to do something... His drink had a Pocky on it then I remembered that Yuichiro said when we were younger "IF YOU LIKE SOMEBODY AND THEY ARE EATING A POCKY, EAT THE OTHER END SO BOTH OF YOU WOULD END UP TO A KISS" I kinda regret saying to Yuichiro that time "ew"  but I guess that it will help right now.

So.. I told Tanjiro if I could get his attention while he was eating a Pocky and he was wondering what it was. I tried fighting the URGE to but I just couldn't. I bit the other end which uhm.. ended up to a kiss (I don't know why I'm actually adding a few words to excuse this part HUHUHUHUHUHUHHUHHUHUUHUHUHUHUHUUHUHUHHUHUHU). Tanjiro then started blushing and kissed me back (I'm going crazy irl since I'm not used to these 😭). We then ended the kiss and then he actually confessed to me that he has liked- no, loved me for so long and I said that I also loved him back. So.. basically we started dating because of a Pocky goddamn.

When I got home, I told Yuichiro what happened and he said "I owe Sayori a bunch of money, damn". I laughed then I went to Sayori's room and told her what happened. She became happy and began screaming.


Muichiro: Heh, Thank u. I hope the money that Yuichiro worked hard on doesn't go all to you

Sayori: Yeah yeah Lmaoooo

A few hours later..

I got a notification that was from Tanjiro. I opened our direct message then I saw him say "good morning Muichiro! I'm sorry if I'm texting late since it's like 1 Am but I just wanna ask if I could maybe call u love?" I just said "good morning! And I guess sure" Tanjiro then said ok and changed my nickname into "Love 🥰😍😘🗣️‼️🙀🥺😊💀💕" he was chaotic if it's about emojis I guess. Couldn't believe though that my crush became my bf omfg. 

I then heard music blasting from the other room. I wonder what it was until I checked that room. I saw that Sayori and Yuichiro are playing the butterfly song (the uh "AIAIAIAI IM YOUR LITTLE BUTTERFLY"), Chipi chipi song, Barbie girl, Let's go to the beach, SpongeBob theme song, Dora theme song 10 hours loop in full volume in the TV that Yuichiro has in his room. I told them to shut up but they didn't care. I knew that the neighbors would have a beef again but I also didn't care anyway 💅😘. 

I couldn't sleep that time nor do anything so I just called Tanjiro if I could stay at his house since Yuichiro and Sayori were having a party. He happily agreed so I took some of my stuff and told Yuichiro then left. Tanjiro and I walked to his house since it was just a bit near. While we were talking, I heard a voice say "I want to pick up Muichiro so bad but I think he won't agree" I actually got tired of walking so I told Tanjiro if he could pick me up. He said ok with a smile but I DIDNT KNOW HE WOULD CARRY ME BRIDAL STYLE DAMN. We then later on arrived at his house and he helped me where to put my stuff. He didn't have an extra bed so we had to sleep beside eachother ( AYIEEEEE ). We then both fell asleep.

HII!! Author here, it took me like 2 hours I guess to type this story? Nyeah, anyways, it's 2:14 AM in my country and I really need to sleep now. Cya!

{1296 words}

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