The Department of The Tortured Poets~ Part 12

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Oh Uhm so yeah. I'm saur emo because this story is now top 248 in Muitan 😢. But.. IDK HOW IM MAKING NEW CHAPTERS LIKE ALMOST EVERYDAY?? (I'm actually tryna escape the harsh reality of my life 😭) but uh yeah. This is inspired by Taylor's upcoming album.

Should I make a chapter about OC of this book fun facts??

Muichiro's POV:

Everybody finally had rest after a tiring week. Recently, Sayori was brought to therapy and Hikaru decided to join her so she won't feel alone. Yuichiro also became his boring ass self again since he has nobody to have beef, play Roblox, make random ass ships, trash talk about somebody, and gossip the latest news.

Yuichiro: Hey Mui.. When is Sayori coming back?

Muichiro: err.. like after we have school I think (IN A FEW MORE SCROLLING MUI 😢😢😢😢). Why are u asking?

Yuichiro: its just I miss doing activities with my pookie 😔

Muichiro: brother I'm here!! Do the same activities with me




Muichiro: omfg..

We then started walking to school but it felt different without Sayori. As we were on the way, we saw a banner that the school is putting up on the gate.

The banner said "Poetry Month of ______ (just pick a random school name)". Isn't it Valentine's month?? Whatever.

I then saw only a dozen students inquire for it. Then Tanjiro and I met up and went to our classrooms. Yuichiro, alone af just walked alone until he met Kanao along the way.

Like a few hours later..?

During class, I could hear students shouting, holding up signs and shit along the hallway. I checked the window and I saw it was the students who inquired to become part of the Poetry club for Poetry Month.

It looked like they were angry af. The teacher wasn't there since she went outside for a few minutes so Tanjiro and I decided to go out and ask what is happening. They were saying that they will make a group named "The Tortured Poets Department" or "TTPD". Ain't that Taylor's next album?????

They reasoned that the person who is coaching them to make a poem even if they are already the best poets in town 😭, kept making them do random things that isn't even the part of making poems. The leader of TTPD, Sasaki Shiori (I'm loving the fact I keep making new OC's and made on the spot.); the wisest poet in town was also angered that the fact they weren't trained properly and that they were also receiving forced labor by forcing them to make a long ass poem.

I can't even do a poem like them pls like wtf they're like so well known for poetry 😭 💀..

Muichiro: Hey Shiori... What's up with the crowd??

Shiori: err.. it's because we planned on this shit since the poetry thingy is rigged

Tanjiro: like how rigged?? Rate it over a 10

Shiori: maybe like 9.5/10. The members are nice and helpful but damn like our coach just doesn't know how to make a poem


Muichiro: oh, Yui!! Basically, it's about the poetry thingy

Yuichiro: ok 🙄😡💀😨😭😢😔

We literally didn't notice Yuichiro literally come out of his classroom and walked all the way here to just ask what was going on ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️‼️🥰

Then later, the principal heard the commotion and literally had beef with the students. Though they were doing such thing, they were still expressing their opinion about how UNFAIR the poetry thing is.

I heard Tanjiro literally thinking so many solutions in Math. And damn they're all correct. No but this mind reading thing is actually helpful though. I could actually just get the answers ASAP but damn I know that's bad 😭

Meanwhile... Wait.. SAYORI?! EYYY IRL AUTHOR HEY. HEY.

Sayori's POV:

I'm fine I guess here with Hikaru. We're far.. far away from what happened. I felt safe. The air in here was relaxing and the sounds of the chirping birds were soothing.

I was sitting on a chair with a coffee table in front while those were on top of a balcony. I continued writing stories since I'm about to debut on my first book soon. It'll be the start of my career. The sound and the nature vibe was giving me plenty of ideas while writing my story.

As I kept writing, Hikaru went near me and sat at the chair Infront of me.

Hikaru: Hey Sayori dear.. we will be discharged here in a few hours so pack your things already. I already packed mine

Sayori: alright dear! I think I'll be about to publish this like tomorrow.

Hikaru: congrats! I really hope your book though will be successful.

Sayori: thank u dear!

We then both continued packing and as I packed my clothes, I already started to imagine the rest of the friend group would be happy af and Yuichiro and I having beef again and playing Roblox.

I will maybe miss it here? The atmosphere and the vibe is just... Relaxing. But damn I don't live here so I'll just have to get used to the past environment again. I also kinda felt sleepy since I stayed up at night while continuesly writing the story (me in the past fr 🥰. But I have good sleep now BAHSHSHHA).

A few hours later..

Hikaru: Dear! Let's go now.

Sayori: alright! Though may I take a picture first? I really love this place

Hikaru: sure! Just be quick alright?

Sayori: okay

I took many pictures of the place and I sent it to the GC. They were mesmerized with the look and beauty of it. Kanao even asked if there were gardens with butterflies so when she and her family visits here, she knows where to go first. Indeed, this place had that type of garden so I agreed to Kanao.

As Hikaru and I rode a bus, we went passed by a book store that doesn't decline any offer of submitting a book. We went off the bus and went to the book store. It was huge fr. And they also had history with other well known writers who became famous because of them. I submitted my book and yeah, they agreed that I have presentation about this book on the nearest branch they have.

They said that they also have one near the mall where the rest lives. I agreed for their offer so they set an appointment on that branch for me. Indeed I was excited af.

Alright I'll sleep now because I have to wake up earlier than before 😘!! ( This took me like 1 hr and just add the power of laziness)

Yes, pookies I'll sleep now ❤️ thenk u 😘

{1122 words}

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