Chapter 2✨

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Akansha twirled in front of her mirror, the soft glow of the fairy lights strung around the edge adding a touch of magic to the scene. The white dress flowed around her like moonlight, its delicate fabric catching the light and casting shimmering shadows on the wall. The pearls adorning the bodice winked like tiny stars, each one catching the faint scent of her lavender perfume.

Her diamond necklace, a simple chain with a single teardrop pendant, nestled against her collarbone, its brilliance rivaling the fairy lights above. The pearl earrings, perfect spheres that matched the ones on her dress, swayed gently with each movement, adding a touch of delicate whimsy.

Her hip-length hair, a cascade of dark waves, was styled in soft curls that framed her face like a halo. The curls bounced with each step, catching the light and sending tiny rainbows dancing across the room. Her makeup, a masterpiece of understated elegance, added a touch of color to her cheeks and a subtle shimmer to her eyes. The overall look was one of effortless beauty, a vision of pure grace and sophistication.

She was ready.

The click of Akansha's heels echoed down the staircase as she descended, the anticipation buzzing like a hummingbird in her chest. Her mother and Amaya, her dazzling sister, erupted in a chorus of compliments. "Breathtaking, Akansha!" her mother exclaimed, her eyes glistening with pride. Amaya, ever the mischievous one, winked"looking sexy!"she said

Akansha gave them a bright smile and then went out
And sat in the car

The sleek black car sliced through the city, the neon lights blurring like brushstrokes on a canvas. Inside, Akansha sat poised, her reflection in the tinted window mirroring the excitement simmering within. As they arrived, the venue burst into view. "Lavish" was an understatement. Dazzling chandeliers dripped from the ceiling, casting a warm glow over the velvet drapes and marble floors. A string quartet played a melody that danced on the crisp night air, mingling with the murmur of conversation and the clink of champagne glasses.

A uniformed guard, his face a mask of stoic professionalism, stepped forward and gently assisted her out. The cool wind whipped through her hair, carrying the scent of jasmine and distant fireworks. With a deep breath, Akansha straightened her shoulders and glided towards the entrance. Camera flashes erupted like tiny lightning storms, capturing the moment in a flurry of clicks and pops.

Inside, the air thrummed with energy. Faces familiar from magazines and screens swirled around her, a kaleidoscope of glamour and ambition. Akansha navigated the crowd with practiced grace, her smile a beacon of warmth amidst the glittering masks. Mr. Malhotra, the enigmatic CEO whose company she was hoping to collaborate with, spotted her and materialized beside her like a benevolent magician. He was all charm and calculated smiles, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and admiration.
,he saw not just a potential business partner, but a kindred spirit, a fire burning bright with ambition and talent.

After some talks, Akansha came to know that Mr. Malhotra was genuinely interested in collaborating with her. Now she was sure why he wanted her special presence here,Excitement filled her as she saw this as a valuable opportunity for professional growth. Eager to capitalize on the collaboration, she swiftly negotiated terms and sealed the deal with a firm handshake, sealing the partnership. However, as she made her way to the restroom, anticipation still lingering in her thoughts, an unexpected obstacle crossed her path.

Without warning, her foot caught on an unforeseen object, causing her to trip.
As she teetered on the edge of falling, the sensation of big, cold hands on her waist provided an unexpected lifeline. Shock coursed through Akansha as nobody had dared to touch her so intimately before. When her gaze met the face of her unexpected savior, she couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and amusement.
It was none other than

Suryaansh singh

the esteemed business tycoon and the undisputed king of Madhya Pradesh. Their eyes locked - her emerald orbs meeting his deep brown ones with a captivating intensity. His well-coiffed hair, thick eyebrows, long eyelashes, and a jawline that seemed chiseled to perfection portrayed a presence not less than a Greek god. Despite her quick recovery, Suryaansh's hands lingered at her waist, a subtle yet undeniable connection between them that extended beyond the momentary stumble.
"Shit!"she mumbled

Akansha quickly apologized for the stumble, expressing her gratitude to Suryaansh for saving her from an embarrassing fall. Just as they were regaining composure, Mr. Malhotra's voice resonated from a distance, acknowledging Suryaansh's presence. Turning around, they found Mr. Malhotra approaching with a warm greeting. Formalities ensued as they exchanged pleasantries and handshakes, Akansha crafting a polite but professionally poised smile. Suryaansh, maintaining his composed demeanor, greeted Akansha with a nod and extended a hand for a handshake.

"Hello, Ms. Shekhawat," Suryaansh acknowledged his voice smooth and deel, and the handshake ensued. Akansha reciprocated with a professional greeting, "Hi, really nice to see you."

As Mr. Malhotra invited them to take a seat, Akansha excused herself momentarily, mentioning she would join in a few minutes. Making her way to the restroom, the others settled at the large VIP table, leaving the business discussions poised to unfold.

After reaching the restroom, Akansha found herself unexpectedly uneasy, the cause unclear. The presence of Suryaansh had stirred a novel sense of anxiety within her, an unfamiliar feeling that left her somewhat disconcerted. She splashed a few drops of water on her face and took a deep breath, attempting to regain composure. Yet, an unexplainable nervousness lingered. To boost her confidence, she opted for a glass of champagne, hoping it would quell the unease.

Returning to the table, she engaged in conversation with a fellow guest, though the nagging sensation of someone's eyes on her persisted. Dismissing the thought, she continued socializing. Amidst discussions and opportunities, the headache persisted, but Akansha managed to strike a deal with Mr. Kapoor.

As the event concluded, she exchanged pleasantries with Mr. Malhotra.

However, her departure was interrupted by a tall figure blocking her way. It was Suryaansh once again, expressing appreciation for the brief encounter. His deep voice resonated,
"it was really nice to meet you Ms.Akansha,hope we meet again"
leaving Akansha momentarily captivated. Maintaining professionalism, she reciprocated the sentiment and quickly retreated to her car, muttering a frustrated exclamation. The enigmatic encounter with Suryaansh had left her feeling intoxicated, a mix of emotions she couldn't quite decipher - a blend of shyness, nervousness, and an unspoken allure that lingered in her thoughts as she drove away.

After reaching home, Akansha swiftly retreated to her room, preferring not to share the events of the evening with any family members. Exhaustion weighed heavily on her, prompting a decision to indulge in a warm bath. Clad in comfortable clothes, she found herself unable to shake thoughts of Suryaansh from her mind.

"God, why am I thinking about him?" she muttered to herself, perplexed by the lingering thoughts. Switching off the lights, she nestled into her bed, hoping the embrace of sleep would bring respite from the enigmatic encounter. In the quiet of her room, with only the soft hum of the night, Akansha surrendered to the realm of dreams, where the mysteries of the evening could temporarily fade away.


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