To Resolve Their teenage drama

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As Galleria settled back into her own New York house, she felt a strong urge to address the teenage drama that had lingered between her, Chanel, Aqua, and Dorinda. Recognizing the importance of resolving their issues, she decided to initiate a three-way call. Let's listen in on their conversation:
Galleria: (dialing the numbers) It's time to put the drama behind us and start fresh. We need to talk things through and find a way to move forward.
Chanel, Aqua, and Dorinda received the call simultaneously and joined the conversation.
Chanel: (curious) Galleria, what's on your mind? I can sense the urgency in your voice.
Galleria: (determined) We've let this drama consume us for far too long. It's time to address it head-on. We're stronger together, and we can't let these issues hinder our progress.
Aqua: (supportive) I agree, Galleria. It's been weighing on all of us, and it's time to clear the air. Let's find a way to resolve our differences and start fresh.
Dorinda: (sincere) I'm ready to talk about it resolved it and move on from this matter. Galleria took a deep breath and began speaking, gathering her thoughts before addressing her concerns openly and honestly.
Galleria: Thank you all for joining this call. I think it's important that we have this conversation and address what has been weighing on my mind for quite some time. During our teenage years, I often felt like I was being excluded, and it hurt me deeply. I didn't understand why it was happening, and it created a divide between us.
Chanel: (apologetic) Galleria, I'm truly sorry if you felt that way. It was never my intention to make you feel excluded. In the midst of our own struggles, I think we lost sight of how our actions were affecting you.
Aqua: (reflective) Galleria, I owe you an apology too. Sometimes we got caught up in our own drama and unintentionally overlooked your feelings. It was selfish of us, and I'm truly sorry for any pain it caused you.
Dorinda: (regretful) Galleria, I'm sorry too. Looking back, I can see how my actions may have made you feel l am very sorry for making you feel excluded that was not my intention to hurt you or hurt your feelings. Chanel took a deep breath, recalling the memories from their teenage years as she began to share her perspective on what happened. She wanted to provide a clear and honest account of the events that unfolded during that time.
Chanel: Thank you all for allowing me to share my side of the story. When we were teenagers, we had a lot going on, especially with the Talent Show. Drinka Champagne was helping us out, and everything seemed to be falling into place.
I remember when Galleria started catching the attention of Jackal Johnson, a music producer who expressed interest in signing us. Suddenly, it felt like things were changing, including Galleria's behavior. She started becoming a bit big-headed and prioritizing her own ambitions without considering the rest of the group.
Dorinda: (interjecting) Chanel, I understand that you felt Galleria became more focused on her own success. But it was important to her, and we all wanted to succeed in the talent show too.
Aqua: (supportive) Chanel,  we understand your point of view and we are happy that you are here to support you. Chanel took a moment to gather her thoughts and continued sharing her perspective on their teenage years, particularly regarding Galleria's behavior and the reactions she received from Aqua and Dorinda. She wanted to express her feelings truthfully and transparently.
Chanel: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my feelings further. As I mentioned earlier, Galleria's behavior had changed, and she seemed to be displaying a mean girl attitude towards us, particularly Aqua and Dorinda. It hurt to see her treat them that way, especially when we were all supposed to be a team.
Dorinda: (interrupting) Chanel, I understand that you were concerned about Galleria's behavior, but why didn't you approach her directly about it?
Chanel: (with sincerity) Dorinda, Aqua, I want you to know that I never intended to keep silent about the issue. I wanted to approach Galleria and address the situation, but I hesitated because I thought it might affect our chances with Jackal Johnson. I was too scared to say anything. Dorinda took a deep breath before sharing her perspective on the challenges she faced during their teenage years, specifically her experiences with Galleria's hurtful behavior. She wanted to shed light on her personal struggles and the eventual reconciliation that occurred within the group.
Dorinda: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to voice my thoughts on this matter. It's important for me to address the difficulties I faced during that time. Galleria's behavior towards me was particularly hurtful. She would frequently tell me that I was only in the group because of my dancing abilities. She even went as far as using derogatory words like "tore up" and "janky" to describe me.
Chanel: (interjecting) Dorinda, I'm sorry for not stepping in earlier and defending you against Galleria's harsh words. I didn't fully realize the extent of the pain you were experiencing.
Dorinda: (grateful) Chanel, I appreciate your support. But it's not your fault. Galleria's words cut deep, but what matters now that we are able to talk about it and move forward from it. Aqua took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before recounting the tensions she had experienced with Galleria during their teenage years. She wanted to share her perspective on their clashes and the incident that nearly escalated into a physical altercation during their trip to Barcelona, Spain.
Aqua: I appreciate the opportunity to speak about my side of the story. Galleria and I did have our fair share of conflicts during our teenage years. We constantly bumped heads, and it took its toll on our friendship.
Dorinda: Aqua, I remember how intense those moments were, especially during our trip to Barcelona when tensions were high.
Aqua: Yes, Dorinda, that trip was particularly challenging for Galleria and me. We found ourselves at odds with each other repeatedly, and it eventually reached a boiling point. Our arguments became more frequent and passionate, and it almost led to a physical altercation.
Chanel: (concerned) Aqua, I remember how scared and anxious we all were during that time . Galleria's question hung in the air, signaling a moment of reflection for the group. After each girl had expressed their side of the story and shared their grievances, it was time to consider how they should move forward. Chanel, Dorinda, and Aqua exchanged glances, contemplating the way ahead.
Chanel: Well, now that we've aired our grievances and given everyone a chance to speak their truth, I believe it's important for us to find a path towards healing and growth.
Dorinda: Absolutely, Chanel. We've all made mistakes and let our conflicts get the better of us at times. But now that we have a better understanding of each other's viewpoints, we can work together to strengthen our bond as friends.
Aqua: I completely agree. It's clear that we all care about each other deeply, and we've shared so many incredible moments together. It would be a shame to let our disagreements hold us back from creating more wonderful memories.
Galleria: (nodding) I couldn't agree more. We've been through so much together and with each other we should move forward together and continue to work on our relationship and friendship with each other. After the three-way call infused the group with a renewed sense of unity, Chanel, Dorinda, and Aqua decided to continue their evening separately but with a shared experience. Each girl settled into the comfort of their own homes, ready to enjoy a relaxing evening watching TV.
As the screen flickered to life, Chanel found herself engrossed in a gripping drama series, captivated by the intricate plot twists and character development. She couldn't help but draw parallels between the show's themes of friendship and the journey she and her friends had been on.
Meanwhile, Dorinda turned on a comedy special, where her laughter echoed throughout her living room. The comedian's quick wit and relatable anecdotes offered a refreshing escape from the stresses of the day. Dorinda appreciated the lightheartedness, finding solace in the humor.
Aqua, on the other hand, opted for a thought-provoking documentary that delved into social issues and personal growth. As she engaged with the documentary's mention different black activists that she wanted to learn more about but she also watched project runway.

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