pain is the hole in my heart
caused by your depart
pain is the hole in my lungs
of you smoking all around, damaging your health
and mine as well
pain is you thinking that everything revolves around you and your wealth
pain is that you'd choose him over me
pain is that you won't stop reminding me that
I'm not enough
like I don't already know it myself
I've never been and never will be enough
pain is you calling out each and every of my flaws
my eyes, my all, my prose
pain is you calling it even but can't controlling yourself from coming back
pain is you bullying me
talking shit with him about me
pain is that you can't stop yourself from
making my life a living hell
and you telling me I'm not mentally well
'You're fucked up in the head'
pain is you texting me every three months
to try and make it up every time
pain is that you've been and always will be a liar
you still told me lies through telephone wires
pain is you hesitating between love and hate
but in the end you'll always go back to your roots and choose hate
pain is you not being strong enough to dump me
so much that he had to do it for you
pain is when I look back at it our relationship was a rollercoaster of emotions
pain is you thinking I could never move on
pain is that you're a fucking traitor
pain is that you always come back to me
like an horrendous melody
pain is the thing causing all my despair
pain is that you needed brand new air
pain is fucking me up
pain is everything I know
pain is the thing I used to drink from my sippy cup
following me to my grave
pain is that thing we can't speak out loud
pain is that you were to pretty to live without me
until you started destroying me
pain is everything I know
everything I see is pain
all I do is pain
pain, pain, pain
look at this godforsaken fool that you made me
pain, pain, pain
yeah I'm talking to you
cause who would I be talking to?
pain's been my prison, my jail, my cell
I can't break free
fuck u!
do not ever come back
pain is you
late night thoughts
Poetry'late night thoughts' is a collection of poems about every thoughts that kept me up at night at a point in my life. huge shout out to the people who will relate to my poems. you're not struggling alone ❤️ TW: contains references to mental health, h...