1 ✭ Corey Rogers, the Golden Boy

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The sound of Corey's alarm rang out

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The sound of Corey's alarm rang out. He didn't pay it any mind though, he groaned as he rolled over. He was so comfortable in bed. He had half the mind to just smash it. He pressed the button as the beeping shut off.

He let out a sigh, letting his arm hang off the bed.

"Sir," F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice rang out from the microphone on the alarm as the electronic fading blinds dissipated, letting the sunlight in. "I'd advise getting up. Mrs. Rogers is-"

And, as fate would have it. His mother swung open the door.

"Corey Rogers, I heard that alarm go off." His mother, Peggy, said disapprovingly. Corey held back his laugh, when she was angry her English accent would really come out. "You'd best get up. I told Happy not to wait."

"Right, right. Sorry." Corey said as he got out of bed. He grabbed a plain white shirt and jeans, throwing them on along with his pair of Nikes.

He grabbed his grey backpack and his blue and gold varsity jacket and threw them on.

He opened the door to his room and sped out. He passed some SHEILD office workers as he gave them a joking salute, of course, with all the respect in the world.

Natasha Romanov also walked past, a drink in her hand. Probably her usual smoothie.

"Hey!" She called out as Corey turned around "What's the powerhouse of the cell?"

"The mitochondria, come on give me something harder." Corey said with a laugh, Natasha winked at him as they both departed the hallway.

Living in the Avengers Compound wasn't all that bad. It came with its disadvantages, one being all the people, but it was kind of all he's known. He grew up mostly in the Avengers Tower, and when he was really little, a house in Queens. But, he barely remembered that house. His dad always talked about moving to a house in the future, though.

Besides, everyone liked him. Not just cause he was "Steve and Peggy's kid". Corey was sweet, charming, and kind. What wasn't to like?

School, was a similar story. Corey had finally convinced his mom and dad to send him to Midtown High for his first year of high school. He's been attending for a year, and was currently a sophomore.

At school, he was treated like a king. Which was by no means his fault. That's just kind of what happens when you're the son of Captain America. He was friends with mostly everyone at school. There are always people who won't like you, and he knew that. But he was always friendly to everyone.

Given his relation to the Captain. He did inherit his father's super solider abilities. Which he'd learn to keep under control. When he was little, he got mad and kicked the monkey bars at the park, and left it with a large dent. He's in training to become the next Captain America as well.

Captain Corey ✭ Peter Parker X Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now