Sun and the Little Star

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The  art above is again mine it is unfinished I will post the finished version soon hopefully. The moon in the drawing is cresent. The story of it is Cresent came to the OG dimension saw solar and hit him. Sun was in the room and got mad and they started to argue while sun was in front of solar.

Sun was walking around searching for solar. None of them had seen him all day and the space siblings were getting worried. 

"Solar ... where are you?" They were all looking for him. The last time any of them saw him Solar was going to bed. Sun was now near the theater. He heard someone in the basement of the theater. Sun sighed 

"Might as well check it out." Sun made his way down the basement. Sun heard quiet crying.

"hello ... Solar are you down here." Sun heard rustling down there. He heard a whin.


"Solar are you okay?" Solar was squishing himself more into the corner of the basement. "Solar"

"Unny mad?"

"no, I'm not mad. What would make you think that Solar" Solar buried his head into his legs and started crying

"Solar how old are you feeling?" Solar put up one finger and started to put it down signing that he was slipping younger.

"I sowwy" Solar was still cry feeling bad for regressing

"Solar you have nothing to apologize for sweetie. You shouldn't be alone when you are little, especially in a basement." Sun gently picked up Solar "Let's get you out of here, It's dark no baby should be in the dark."


"Really. Let's get you out of here everyone is worried about you." 

"Oh ... sowwy."

"Solar how about this no more sorry's okay."


"let's get to my room." They got out of the basement and traveled to Sun's room. Sun dimmed the lights when they entered his room. "Do you want me to get Moon?"

Solar seemed to panic when Sun mentioned Moon"no no no no no no no. no Moonie. Please no moonie" Solar started to bury himself into Sun.

"Okay, Solar I won't get moon. Let's get you to sleep." Sun grabbed a blanket and bunny plush. Sun started up his TV. "what do you want to watch?" 

"umm ... bluey."

"Of course my little star." Sun smiled and put on Bluey. Solar had fallen asleep. 

"Sun can I come in." It was Moon.

"Sure Moon just be quiet." Moon entered the room and sat next to Sun.

"Where did you find him?"

"He was in the basement."

Oh ... Why?"

"He was scared we were going to get mad at him for regressing."

"Can I go and kill Cresent please?"

"No, we are sleeping. So get over here and cuddle with Solar and me."

 "Finnnnnne." Moon snuggled up to sun with Solar in between them and they fell asleep.

This has been one of my favorite chapters I made so far. I love it so much.

I hope you all enjoyed this one lots more to come including backstories of some characters ;) 


Tiktok: @lunar_and_beanbag


Thank you for suggesting it @CuppcakeFanGirl I hope you like it 

Please I take request of the fluff and the angst. all chareters of the group chat are welcome for request. 

Word: 532 Big amount of words

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