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N/A: y'all I just want to let y'all know that I am in school while writing this story & that's why they take so long for me to post them.

oh, sis you are awake.john said.

yeah, I am awake; how is the trial going?she asked.

well; not great, he is trying to make it seem like you asked and planed for him to hurt you. john explained.

as she reached for johns neck while john was looking at the TV, something burned her hands.

Ow, that shit hurts.she exclaimed.

john looked at her with a puzzled look on his face.

are you okay sister? john asked.

yes im fine john. the girl spat.

john left his sister and walked out of the room. he was confused on what made his sister say ow and why did she just become mean to him. he knocked it up to her being scared about how the trial was going.

as he entered his house he looked down to see his pet dog. he sighed and looked into the kitchen to see if his dad was not.john headed to his room to take a shower and then work on his school work. john walked into his bathroom and then freezed. he looked at the ground to see that his dog had gotten into the trash. john sighed and then looked into the mirror. that is when he noticed a scratch that wasn't there before. john started to get confused and wondered how it happened. after looking in the mirror for 5 minutes john decited to just drop it and take a shower. 45 minutes after he showered he placed some Band-Aids on his neck and then he got dressed.

son get down here. his mom called out for him.

okay dad I'm coming down. john said while placing his books down on his desk.

also hurry down your dad needs to talk to you. his mom yelled up to him.

that was when john froze, his dad never wanted to talk to him a alone unless he was in trouble. john slowly walked down the stairs to the kitchen where his mom was, she was getting ready to cook some food.

when he got to his dad, his dad just looked at him.

hey dad, mom said you needed me.john said.

yes son, there is something I would like to tell you...but you must not get mad at me or your mother. his dad explained.

okay dad what do you need to tell me?john asked.

-with his sister-

hey man, do you think you can cause a distraction and I'll look for some papers. I asked to the boy in the other room.

yes, but be careful I over heard that they are going to start locking down all the hallways. he warned.

okay I understand. I said with a sigh.

now why in the world would they need to lock down this hospital down when only two people are in this place. are they trying to trap us in here. or maybe its all a bad dream. what ever it is I need to find out what is happening here and why I can't leave. I thought while waiting for him to distract the nurses and doctors.

once he started to scream all the doctors and nurses ran to him trying to shut him up.as that happened I ran out of my hospital room. as I ran I looked at all the doors to see where the office was. I keep hearing a woman scream out my name, but I stopped and looked behind me to see no one. I turned back and slowly started to walk to the office doors but the hallway was not how it just was, the lights use to be bright but now they have a hint of red. now I looked at the doors and each of them keep glitching and fading in and out.

as I walked to the door and opened it up, I noticed that it lead to another door. that was strange because why would this room need another door and it was just a wall when I first walked past it many times before. but not only that; why is everything glowing red this has never happened before. before I was able to think too long I heard someone coming so I hurried and wrote all of this down into a notebook, I looked behind me to see the doctor was walking to me.

you little girl why are you out of your room? he asked.

i-. I studdered.

well? he said while standing over me.

look, I was just looking for someone to help, you see I was in my room waiting on some food when all of a sudden someone started to scream. that scared me so I ran out of my room to get help. I lyed while looking up at him.

oh, well little girl we took care of it; now go and get back to your room and the food should be out shortly. he said while ussering me away from the file room.

as I started to walk back to my room I noticed that nothing was glowing red or bluring anymore. that was really strange why was it only do in that when ever I was lookin in that room and hallway. I made it back to my room and continued writing everything down before. after I was complete with that I hide my notebook and I started to talk to the boy about what I seen and found out.

hey dude you okay? I asked softly.

yes…what did you find? he responded with a hush voice.

well I found out that the farther from your room you go the worse you get. also that some of the doors down one hallway glows red but another door will say exit but there seems to be a lit of screaming coming from behind that door. I explained.

okay that must mean that isn't an exit and its a trap. he responded.

I agree, but it Aldo mean that where ever we are…they don't want us leaving.I said.

what do you mean "they"? he asked confused.

the doctor and staff here, they don't seem to be human or alive and remember when I fell from the window and I told you about that thing. I said.

yeah. he said with a sigh.

look we have to start planning a way out of here. I explained.

I agree we can start tomorrow, because I'll be on lockdown today because of me screaming. he said.

even though I wasn't in the room with this boy; I could tell something was off as if he was hurting.

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