| The Hospital and the Connection |

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"Are you eating breakfast?" Lily asks. She's at the kitchen table, and has been for some time, waiting for Sherlock. Liam is also there, as it's now Saturday, and he's finally able to come in and visit.

Sherlock stops in the doorway. "Oh. Hello."

"Hi," Liam says, mouth full.

"He made eggs this morning," Lily says.

"I see."

"He makes good eggs," Lily's mum supplies.

Lily's dad, also eating, agrees. "That he does."

Sherlock sits at the table next to Lily, sort of across from Liam, with the table being round. Liam swallows his food, then excitedly asks, "Can I come to the hospital today?"

"Well, I certainly wouldn't want to spend my day off in a hospital," Lily says.

"Neither would I," her mum agrees. "Of course, I worked there."

Sherlock shrugs, looking down at the plate of eggs Lily puts in front of him. "You're welcome to come if you want, though I think we are about to wrap up this case. I've received some information this morning that I think clears most everything up."

"From who?" Lily asks.


"Cool. I'll be there when you do the whole solution part," Liam says. "I love that part."

"Eat your eggs," Lily tells Sherlock.

He frowns a bit, head titling almost in confusion. "I'm not hungry."

"How?" Liam asks, getting another plate of eggs.

"I rarely eat when on a case."


"Besides the occasional baked good."

"He had steak last night," Lily's dad says. "Lily made it."

Liam gasps. "Lily made steak?"

"Very poorly, but yes," Lily replies.

"It wasn't that bad," Sherlock says. "The béarnaise sauce was the hardest part."

Liam laughs. "Pigs are flying outside, aren't they? Dad, check the window."

"Oh, come on, Liam." Lily nudges him.

"Can you blame me for being surprised? 'I can't cook, it's too hard. It's too subjective. I can't cook.'"

"I don't sound like that."

"Yeah, you do."

Lily rolls her eyes but doesn't argue, instead finishing her eggs and sausage. "Once you're done eating, Sherlock, we'll go."

"What about me?" Liam asks, once again with a mouth full of food.

"That's your third egg! Not to mention the two sausages."

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