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i have been adam's bestfriend since highschool , the first time i met him was in the 10th grade, it was just before summer break. i was walking down the forest path that was behind the school building, heading home when i heard a commotion going on between one of the patches of trees along the path , usually i don't care to get involved like at all when it comes to stuff like that but it sounded like someone was really getting hurt , i move some tree branches out of my line of sight as i moved closer , i saw three boys kicking the shit out of some lanky pale edgy kid, and i kind of knew who it was, it was adam from my english class, he was sort of a quiet kid, he always seemed so angry at everyone, he was obsessed with photography but that's all i knew about him , i panned over to the bully who was calling him a "faggot" , it was scott tibbs, my older sisters ex boyfriend, scott was an absolute dickhead , such a shit disturber he annoyed me so much , i rolled my eyes and walked over to them "scott leave him the fuck alone seriously" scott looked over at me, smirking , i give him a look of disgust as he walks away from adam curled up on the ground , groaning. and made his way over to me "y/n it's just all games , he's my best friend, right adam?" he says looking over at the bleeding boy as he laughed , "f-fuck you" adam spat out rubbing dirt off his face, blood coming from his nose and lip as he lay on the ground. "yeah sure seems like a bestfriend" i say sarcastically, walking over to the boy that was on the ground, pushing past scott , "whatever man I'm out , next time don't be such a pussy adam" scott snickered as him and his buddies walked away , i ignored them and continued to bend down to adams level , "you okay? scotts such an asshole , he like cheated on my older sister a bunch, he trashed our house once too" i explained as i helped him up , "yeah he is a big asshole ive known him almost my whole life, he is unfortunately technically my bestfriend" he said wincing as he fully stood up, running his fingers through his hair getting dirt out , i raise my eyebrows at him, pointing at his wounds , pulling out a small box from my backpack , "i knew this would come in handy one day" i help adam over to a tree stump sitting him down so i could tend to his wounds, "you dont have to do this you know" he says as he watches me pull out bandaids and and a small bottle of peroxide , i hush him as i pull his face upwards towards me so i could inspect his wounds more "yeah well you need a new best friend" i say to him shaking my head. adam looking into my eyes a werid soft feeling erupting in his chest , as i focus on cleaning his wounds , he looked down at my korn shirt "you listen to metal?".

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that was years ago , now here we are in this shitty apartment building both at the ages of 23, my apartment 3 doors down from his, attached at the hip ever since.
i open my apartment door just in time to see adam walking to his, he was holding his face like he'd been punched, i followed behind him "uh adam what the fuck happened" i say as blood trickled onto the floor, "it's nothing y/n, job gone wrong" he grumbles, apart of him really wishing you would go back to your apartment and leave him to sit with his pain but really, he doesn't want you to leave, he wants you here helping him through it like you always do, like you always have, even though he's an angry person and never really had friends stick around because of it, you have seemed to see past his anger, he was also always so soft with you for some reason, it pissed him off sometimes trying to understand the weird happy feelings you gave him, but it pissed him off even more because he feels like he doesn't deserve you.

he threw his smashed camera on the couch as he groaned and walked to the bathroom, turning the light on, leaving the door open , looking at himself in the mirror , an agitating feeling lingering in his body along with adrenaline that is now dying down.
i roll my eyes as he tells me he's fine , he's not fine and i know that, i definitely know that because i know him better than anyone I've ever known. im always so worried about him and clean his wounds happily everytime he's hurt and trust me it happens alot, especially when he goes to shows with scott. & he just lets me even though he's a pretty closed off person, i just always seem to be the only exception.  

i walk over to him with a cloth , he stands against the bathroom counter, wincing in pain while the wet cloth glides across his skin getting the blood and sweat off, "who did this" i ask focused on what I was doing , he stared at the graffitied wall in the grungey bathroom we stood in letting me tend to the gash on his head ,not answering me, adam looks up at me for a moment ,giving me a flashback to when we first met.
as i look into his eyes i see anger , not like usual adam anger , he seemed very agitated i could feel it , "if it was scott I swear to fucking god, I don't even know why your still friends with him adam , he's a piece of sh-" i start to say before adam cut me off yanking the cloth away from his face and gripping my wrist tightly "STOP just stop im fine y/n!" he bursts out angrily as I stumble back and look up at him in shock for a moment. he turns around putting both his hands on the counter gripping it angrily, his body filling with regret as i walk away slowly , tears carefully making their way down my cheeks , im a very sensitive person and adam knows that, he doesn't like it when i cry , he's always gotten annoyed with other people when they cried but not me. never me.

he pushed himself off the counter and walked after me grabbing my arm "hey, no wait i-im sorry y/n, please don't cry because of me" i stop in my tracks wiping my tears away , "i didn't mean to snap at you, im just so angry right now" he explained to me , looking at the back of my head with pleading eyes waiting for me to turn around to face him , i slowly turn around to look at him , his eyes scanning my face, his eyes looking apologetic, feeling really upset for being the reason im crying , it makes him feel sick to his stomach, he continues to stare at me in complete and utter regret , i sniffle and slowly put my hand to his cheek and rub it with my thumb, "it's okay i know you didn't mean it adam" he quickly pulls me close, the smell of his fabric softener and cigarettes filling my nose as he hugs me , "no it wasn't okay , you don't deserve that, your the only one who puts up with me" he says, his chin resting on my head as we stay embracing eachother , my arms wrapped around his waist as we sway back and forth for a second, our hearts beating in sync.
we pull away from the hug , looking at eachother , i take his pale hand in mine , looking down at his chipped black nail polish that i had put on him acouple weeks ago, I look up at him again. "you don't have to try and act so closed off with me you know, your my bestfriend , it's been like over 5 years and i still haven't left your gloomy ass side, you mean so much to me and i just care about you alot, i understand it can get to much sometimes but i just can't help it, you've always been so soft and kind with me even though you seem so annoyed at everyone else and I've never understood why that is but it's okay because your my person, i guess we were just really meant to be in eachothers lives" i say softly blushing at my own words, adam seemed to melt into my touch as looked up at me , feeling butterflies fill his stomach , he wanted so badly to just walk away, not wanting to become to vulnerable but he fought against it, staying put ,  letting whatever happen , happen.
"i don't have any reason to be angry at you, you know?" he says quietly as his hand reaches up to move hair from my eyes , "your different, your presence always felt right to me, you are quite literally the most down to earth person i have ever met but yet your also the weirdest person I've ever encountered and I just don't ever want you to go away, ...like ever" he continues , causing me to look down blushing again, laughing at his comment, the already present feelings i had for him just begging to jump out , the feelings that i have pushed deep down inside for years.
this was a new type of emotion i was getting from adam right now, and in return it was making me feel super nervous but i was also really enjoying it., "i love you adam you know that?" i say looking into his eyes smiling gently, a blush appears on his cheeks, he grabs my face with his hand pulling me closer to him , "i've always loved you y/n" he says confidently , kissing my cheek. i cant take it any longer and move my face closer, my lips touching his softly , he seemed to completely surrender beneath my touch , kissing me back passionately.
we both pull away shocked at what just happened , feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders , our connection now making more sense than it ever has.

adam had never felt more sure of something in his entire life as he stared at your beautiful face, your soft lips calling to him again, he smiled , pulling you in for another kiss.

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