Chapter 2: Looking Back

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The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a gentle glow over the Jujutsu High campus. In the quiet hours after training, Gojo and Hanako found themselves on the rooftop, a familiar sanctuary away from the bustle of sorcerer life.

Seated side by side on the rooftop's edge, they stared out into the night, the city lights twinkling in the distance. The air was filled with a comfortable silence, a language only close friends could share.

"Remember when this place used to be our secret escape during high school?"

Gojo broke the quietude, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips.

Hanako's gaze remained fixed on the horizon, but a subtle warmth touched her expression.

"You mean when you'd sneak up here to avoid training?"

A playful chuckle escaped Gojo.

"Guilty as charged. But hey, those were the days, right?"

She nods to his words as a nostalgic feeling washes over her. 

"Remember when I used to play so many pranks on you, and you'd dumbly fall for each and every one of them?" He laughed as he reminded her.

"Ahem, except the water balloon one. You ended up dumping all 50 balloons over yourself at once, remember idiot?" She chuckles as she reminds him of his idiotic faults.

"You were the one who cheated and had me ruin my focus on the prank!" He whined.

"Who the heck 'cheats' in playing pranks on others?" She scoffs.

"Everyone does!" He smirks.

"Including you?" She teased back.

"Hey! Don't be so mean, Hana!" And he whines again like the man-child he is.

As they reminisced about the past, the moonlight seemed to weave a tapestry of shared memories around them. The rooftop, witness to laughter, shared dreams, and a friendship that weathered the storms of time.

"It sounds stupid, right Hana?" Gojo began, his tone shifting to a more serious note, as she turned to him, taking a puff from her joint until she spoke,

"What's stupid?" Hanako asks, raising her eyebrow at him in curiosity. A chuckle escapes Gojo's lips as he turned his head slightly to have a view of her face. To this day, she still wonders how the hell he can see clearly through that damn blindfold.

"Stupid to think that we were once enemies, going after each other's throats. We used to spar like it was a life-or-death match. Little did we know, life had more significant battles in store for us, and we'd be fighting them side by side."

He spoke softly, as if he was emphasizing about the relationship they once had, or maybe they still do. She lets out a soft chuckle as his words made their way to her, nodding simply.

"You saw weakness; I saw potential. It took time for both of us to recognize the strength that was always there."

Gojo laughed softly, his voice ringing like music to her ears as he stared down at the city view.

"You had a knack for seeing beyond the surface, didn't you? I'm grateful you recognized something in me when all I saw was my own bravado"

She nods, taking another puff from her cigarette. Satoru turned to look at her for a moment, feeling the smoke flow in the air around them. Honestly, he never appreciated the fact that she was a smoker. He did remind her how harmful it really is, but she just waves it off mostly.

"Well, what can I say? I'm good at reading people" She replies confidently.

Gojo smiles widely at her enthusiasm, loving every second of it. These were the rare moments where he'd see her smile and talk freely about herself, and he always chose to cherish them.

He walked closer to her, standing right beside her, their arms touching. A hand makes its way to the cigarette that was stuck to her lips, snatching it away as it landed on the ground and got stomped on. She looks at Gojo in disbelief, feeling pissed off.

"I don't get what's up with you. This is the fifth time you did this today, Satoru"

She groans in frustration, fishing through her pockets to grab the packet of cigs, and when the packet is in her hand, Gojo snatches that too.

"You don't get the message, do you, dear? Smoking, is bad for your health."

He says teasingly, his face leaned closer right in front of hers, sharing immense eye contact, with his blindfold ofcourse.

"I'm surprised you care." She chuckles simply.

"I'm surprised you believe I don't, princess." He smirks widely, placing a hand on hers as his finger wrapped around her fingers, interwining them.

"Don't call me that again." She says as clenched her jaw at his words. Not in anger, but to hide her smile from him. It was a thing.

"Why not~? It suits you." He lets out a hearty chuckle at her expression, knowing he's getting there.

"I'm not your damn princess, Satoru"

She says sternly as she tries to remove his off of hers but fails. His grip is too strong.

"Oh, my queen, then? That sounds better, yeah? Or I've got a few names I'd love to call you, mi amor"

He continues to tease her, making sure to keep his grip on her, not too hard though. Mi amor? Is he trying to just impress her by speaking Spanish?

She sighed, as she continues to stare back him. The silence was awkward at first, but soon after it felt comfortable. Satoru was surprisingly quiet. She didn't know why. She didn't know he was already captivated by her, which was the reason to his silence.

A sudden sound of a loud ring tone shoots in the air as they both exit their trance, Satoru's hand letting hers go in disappointment as he fished out his phone to check the caller. He picks up, does a few "Yeah, okay, got it"s and sighed. He looks at her with a small smile as he spoke,

"Sorry Hana, looks like some curses decided to ruin our moment. Don't worry, we'll continue this next time, dear."

She chuckles softly as she nods. She's already used to his flirtatious and playful behavior.

"Alright. Be safe, Satoru" She says simply.

"Oh, is that a sweet request from the queen of mine? Then I will be safe. Don't miss me too much!" He says loudly as he walked towards the rooftop exit, waving at her.

She laughed too, as she waved back, watching him leave.

After bidding Gojo a goodbye and watching him vanish down the staircase, Hanako remained on the rooftop, enveloped in a solitude only the night could provide. The city below whispered its own stories, but her thoughts were drawn to the echoes of her past.

As she sat in the moonlit quiet, a subtle breeze carried with it the fragrance of cherry blossoms, a scent that held the essence of distant memories. The rooftop became a sanctuary for her to reflect on the threads of her own narrative.

Closing her eyes, Hanako allowed the night to unravel the scenes of her past. Flashes of moments unfolded, revealing the fragments of a life shaped by challenges and solitude.

To be continued...

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