Chapter 8: Forged Strength

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After a series of long lectures and talks with the students, Mr.Yaga, who himself seemed pissed off by the class, or to be exact, Satoru and Suguru's constant nagging of how they both could take on more than fifth curses at once, Mr.Yaga finally dismisses them off. 

"That's all for today, class is dismissed. Hanako, Sumiko would like to see you."

Now, that sentence, immediately sent a chill down her spine. After all, she was just a rookie at the moment and being called to the teacher's office all of a sudden on a first day could scare the hell out of anyone. Satoru's eyes linger over her as she gets up, and walks out of the class with Mr.Yaga. Satoru's eyes never left her figure even after she exited the classroom.

"Satoru, what's gotten you so intrigued all of a sudden?", Suguru's voice suddenly rings as the white hair turns to look beside him, seeing the raven haired boy look at him with a hint of curiosity. 

"Doesn't this newbie feel a little suspicious to you, Suguru", He says as he turned to look back at the door, then to Suguru. Suguru sighed, shaking his head in disagreement. 

"Satoru, you find every new person suspicious. That's a 'you' problem. Not her. Besides, she's just like one of us, she's no different.", Suguru reminds him, with his usual talks of respect and morality, being the more mature kind of guy he is. Satoru groans in annoyance, leaning back on his chair with his legs resting on the desk. 

"Something about her is..different. It's not a usual thing to find someone as..strong, no, not strong. That's not her. As..capable. Yeah, capable. Someone so immediately capable as her, in this place. Even her cursed energy is flaring. Isn't that odd?", He says, looking at Suguru for his approval. Suguru just gives him a 'I'm so done with you' face, and sighed once more.

"You're a difficult person to talk to, Satoru." Suguru blurts out to himself, but the arrogant guy heard it loud and clear. "Hey! I'm not difficult, weird bang headed ass!" "Sure, you aren't, you blue-eyed rat" And they ended up fighting once again, as Shoko sneakily left the classroom.

Meanwhile, Hanako was on her way to the office. The assistant manager, had informed her where Sumiko-sensei was, so she tries her best to look around and find it. Eventually, she finds it. A dark brown coloured door with the label 'Staff room'. She takes a deep breath, slowly opening the sliding door of the room as she was met by a blond haired individual, who was leaning back on their chair as they read a book. The person noticed her presence almost instantly, putting away the book as they look up it her. 

"Welcome, Ishioka Hanako." The lady says with a pleasant smile. She had long blond hair, the fell down her shoulders and back, and with a Jujutsu uniform as well, which looked a little more different from all the others. Maybe that's the definition of 'custom uniforms' that Shoko told her. 

Hanako nods as she enters the room, standing in front of the lady. "You must know by now who I am, right?" The lady says, receiving a nod from the young girl. "Well, then. Let's make this quick. Hanako, we did some research over your family history, like we do for all new students, and I'm a little..curious even after the results." Oh no..

"Hanako, we have to know. 7 years ago, you lost control of your abilities. Is that correct?" Out of all questions she could've asked, why this?? Hanako felt her hands clutch the hem of her skirt tightly as she just gave a silent nod. Ms.Sumiko, noting the behaviour of the child, decides to take it straight to the important part.

"Hanako, here at Jujutsu High, we teach our students on how to control, absorb, and use such abilities like yours, for the greater good, for the lives of non-sorcerers. For events that can strengthen themselves. Now, from the information I have from your background, you have only been more focused on training regarding to close combat and using basic weapons for defense, besides your cursed technique, is that right?" She asked once more. "Yes, sensei." The girl replied.

"Here at Jujutsu Tech, we make sure our students absorb and learn their techniques to the fullest, now I understand that we had you skip a year due to our seating arrangements. But, do you think you'll be able to maintain control over abilities during this time period? With the amount of mission you'll receive, you can't just focus on self-defense or close combat against curses." She was right. Close combat works on people, not curses. They are far stronger beings.

"Sensei, I really don't think I can-" "Hanako, I understand you. But your technique is far more useful than you think. All I'm saying, is that you must rely on it more than your other training. Embrace it, control it, maintain it. That's what you're here for." That's true. All of what she is saying is right, and she knows it. But how can she do it? She wasn't able to do it before, which caused her the loss of her mother's life. She didn't what the same fate for some other person.

But she had to rely on it. Try her best to gain it. That's what she really is here for. 

"Alright, sensei. But what if I-"

"Sumiko sensei, I need your help! I think I accidentally stunted Nanami and now he can't-" The young male who had previously bursted in the room now stood there awkwardly, noticing that his former sensei was engaged in an important conversation with someone. Talk about a grand entrance. Ms.Sumiko sighed as her fingers massaged her temples, trying to calm herself down. 

"Ryuzaki, I've told you a hundred time. Don't use your technique on other classmates. The eyes could cause them harm." She says sternly. Wait, did she say eyes? Like the Six Eyes? Is he like Satoru or something? He doesn't look like him at all. He's got more shaggy red hair that kind of fluffy, that falls on his face, and his eyes are a warm shade of orange. He looks like a cheerful fellow too. And did he just mention Nanami, one of the first years? All those questions were already running in her mind, and Ms.Sumiko seemed to notice it just from her questioning expressions.

"Hanako, this is Yamada Ryuzaki. He's one of the first years. Like you, he's also new, it's his second week here now, and he's pretty much been pure chaos since he's got here." The boy looked offended from his teacher's explanation as he starts to whine. "Sensei! That's practically disrespect, you know!"

"Ryuzaki, you never listen. Anyways, this girl here, Ishioka Hanako, she's your senior. Apparently, she's also new here, so, I hope you get along." The lady says, pointing to the brown short haired girl with blue highlights and a scar across her right eye, which makes the other boy curious. She gets up from her chair, to which Hanako does the same. 

She explains out a few more rules and regulations since the both of them are present, and makes them exit the room.

"So..Ishioka-senpai, how'd you decide to come here? Do you happen to have a technique too? Have you seen your classmates yet? I've met Gojo-senpai recently, and I have to say, he's strong as hell! And Geto- senpai too! And Ieiri-senpai, she's so pretty!", The male says as they walk down the hall. God, he's so similar to that Satoru guy. Talkative as hell.

"Ryuzaki, what is your technique about?" She suddenly asked him as he stopped in his tracks for a moment. He gave her a wide smile as he raised his hand, pulling off his black gloves. That's when she saw it. The thin line on his palm immerged open and...It's an eye?! Staring right at her!? The eye just stared at her, then moving the iris here and there.

She immediately steps back as she looked creeped out. Ryuzaki just laughed. "Don't worry, senpai! It doesn't do anything unless I use my cursed energy. It's the main reason I have to wear gloves. I have it on both my palms, see?" He shows the other palm as she just looked even more creeped out. So he can do stuff with those eyes on his palms. One of them is stunting people, like he did with Nanami. Now, that's interesting..

Apparently, they conversated for a while. He explained how his technique allows him to stunt beings if they stare into the eyes, or process dreadful images in their minds that can cause them to go crazy for a while. He can look through those things as well, and use it for more reflexes.

Eventually, Ryuzaki left to his classroom as Hanako entered the training grounds, greeted by the strong waves of energy from Satoru and Suguru, who were busy in a spar, and noticed her.

"Well, well, look who decided to grace us with her presence. I hope you're not here to slow down the real talent." Satoru's voice rings around the ground.

To be continued...

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