Comfort Zone - Part One

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* Author's Note: *
This one is a Fluff with some very light Smut, this will be a long one! Part Two will have the spicy stuff so stay tuned!

Anakin's POV:

I take a swig of the alcoholic beverage in front of me, closing my eyes as the soothing yet burning liquid slides down my throat, sighing in relief. It's been a day, I just got back from a mission with Obi-Wan. He retreated to his own quarters back at the Temple to meditate, which is something he usually does. Me? I like to hit the bar and throw back a few drinks. It helps me sleep, it's kind of like a muscle relaxant for me.

"Another, please." I signal the bartender.

The Bartender nods as grabs me another drink.

I look around and scan the room, this place isn't usually busy. But people do seem to be slowly piling in, as my eyes are scanning they land on a set that are already staring at me. I furrow my brows and turn to look around me just in case she's looking at someone else who's close by but surely enough, she's looking at me.

I take in her delicate features, her soft supple pink lips, her rosy cheeks, her long y/h/c. The way her dark red dress hugs every curve of her body, her fine line tattoos going up the side of her neck and behind her left ear. My gaze returns to her intense one, usually I'm unbothered by a woman staring at me, but this one's caught my eye.

Her plump lips curve up into a smirk as she slowly turns and disappears into the sea of people that just pooled into the bar. I stood up as I tried looking around for her, I couldn't find her anywhere in sight, it was almost like she was just a figment of my imagination.

I sighed in defeat as I sit back down, tossing back the drink that was set down upon me. I pay the Bartender before setting myself back on my feet, making my way to the exit. A warm delicate voice stops me in my tracks.

"Leaving so soon?" The smooth velvety feminine voice questions behind me.

I turn around, my eyes meet the gaze of the one who disappeared from my sights earlier.

"So I wasn't imagining you earlier." I give her a small smile.

She smiles back as she takes a step forward, placing her perfectly manicured hands on her hips.

"Imagining? How much have you drank tonight boy?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

I chuckle as I cross my arms across my chest.

"I've only had a few. You ran away so quick, I wasn't sure if you were real or not, that's all." I explain.

The gap between us gets smaller as she takes another step towards me, her eyes never breaking away from mine. She reaches one of her hands up and runs it up my chest, my breath hitches slightly at her touch.

"Does that feel real?" She asks.

I look down at her hand then back at her darkened eyes.

"Hmm, what's your name?" I ask.

She smiles as her hand pulls away from me.

"I'll tell you what, buy me a drink and ask me to dance, I might tell you." She says with a wink.

It was impossible not to smile or laugh at her cheeky and flirtatious nature. I've had women hit on me before but they've always been sloppy drunk and it becomes unattractive. But this girl, she's different, well for one, she's not drunk...

"Done." I chuckle.

I follow her back to the bar, she tells the Bartender her order and I order another round for myself. I look over at her while we wait for our drinks to arrive.

Anakin Skywalker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now