Ch. 2: It Begins Again

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Vicious slashes came from her movements, but it didn't look like anything happened... until she snapped the sword back into its sheath... that's when several full grown trees fell. Though, when she did put the sword in its sheath, her hair returned to normal and she felt incredibly exhausted.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! W-Wow!" Luz said, taking deep breathes and looking down at the katana. "T-That magic power. It...It's incredible!"

'Indeed. My power is that of a great legend and if used properly, it can change the world. For better or worse.' The Yamato said via mental link.

The sword disappeared much to Luz's shock, but then she thought about it and it reappeared in her hand.

"Woah, this is awesome."

'I can now stored within your soul and can be called upon whenever you need me. Now, return home. It is late and your mother or friends may notice your disappearance.' The Yamato said.

"Oh, right!" Luz said, turning and running back home. "By the way, what are you exactly? And how can you talk?"

'Questions for later but if you must know, my previous wielder imprinted a copy of his soul within me.' The Yamato said. 'Now go.'

Luz nodded as she continued home, not bothered by the cold air blowing against her. And unaware of the darkness creeping into her soul.

The next morning, Luz was sleeping more peacefully than she had ever done since they were stranded. Like all of her worries had melted away and she could finally relax. All thanks to a certain sword inside her soul.

'Luz, awaken.' The Yamato said to her.

Luz opened her eyes and stretched a little. A smile plastered onto her face.

'Today is going to be a great day!' Luz thought, getting out of bed.

'You will be training to master me, so yes. I agree.' The Yamato said.

'Oh yeah! I' can't wait to tell everyone the good news! With you, I can just cut open a portal to get us home!' Luz thought.

When she first bonded with the Yamato, she gained knowledge of all its powers and potential abilities. If it can cut open through space, cutting open a dimensional portal to another realm is easy.

'That will take time though, it's best to keep me a secret until you have a bit of training.' Yamato said, 'That way you have less of a chance to hurt them on accident.'

'What? But I would never hurt them. Even if it's an accident.' Luz thought, walking into the bathroom.

'I am aware from your memories but trust me, my power can be dangerous if wielded without proper control. If you wish to use me to the fullest to protect them, you must learn to control me.' The Yamato said. 'Which means it's time we get to the woods. There is no time to waste.'

Luz hated to admit it but the sword was right, she had a lot of work to do if she was going to to properly wield its power without hurting or even killing someone by accident.

And no better place to go for that than the woods, where she would be away from everyone.

"Okay, fine. At least let me leave them a note that I'll be busy today." Luz said, quickly getting cleaned and ready for the day.

Heading downstairs, Luz wrote a note and stuck it to the fridge before heading to the woods.

Wrapped in the letterman coat she got from Eda, Luz returned to the same spot where she found the Yamato the first place. She closed her eyes... before opening them, revealing them to be blue, her hair turned white, and the Yamato manifested in her hand.

"Let's get started." Luz said, her voice slightly deeper to go with her changed appearance.

Luz put her thumb under the cross guard and let the sword out a small bit.

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