this includes all the OCs in this book,
even those from drafted fics*will be updated as more characters
are added!༻✧༺
5th (1982): Rosalie GoodwinFEBRUARY
7th (1984): Henry Ardon
9th (1950): Doug SweeneyAPRIL
5th (1859): Susanna Farley
19th (1947): Victoria Mercer
22nd (1788): Winifred ErstwhileMAY
3rd (1868): Mabel Rutherford
31st (1947): Marigold 'Goldie' RhodesJUNE
12th (1978): Miranda FellowesJULY
20th (1948): Francesca Vestri
24th (1788): Lettie FitzroyAUGUST
30th (1867): Lillian UnderwoodSEPTEMBER
14th (1986): Beth ArdonOCTOBER
3rd (1950): Carlo Nunez
4th (1787): Joseph Erstwhile
16th (1931): Beverly Gable
19th (1791): Abigail Seymour
25th (1794): Jemima SeymourNOVEMBER
24th (1947): Hank Bowen
28th (1979): Agnes LupinDECEMBER
18th (1952): Iris Rhodes
Rumours ↠ Meet My OCs ²
Ngẫu nhiênRUMOURS | ❝Rock on, gold dust woman.❞ To put it simply, I ran out of room in my first OCs book. So here is another one, a hub for even more of my original characters who I love dearly. [ meet my oc's | book two ] [ extended summary ins...