Ch-105 Goggles

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   She went into her villa in her space to clean herself and after bathing and cleaning herself, she came out to the shelf where she placed her clothes to change after bathing. After changing into clean clothes, she came out from the bathroom to her room and just as she stood in front of the mirror, she got shocked by seeing herself.

   She didn't even realised before that her eyes had turned into golden colour and she was still traveling with it, but she couldn't find out, how and when her eyes turned golden and why she didn't noticed it before.

   She was thinking and realised that before that orange rain, her eyes were completely black and normal, and after that she didn't find the chance to check herself in the mirror, so she got the conclusion that maybe after that rain or maybe in that rain her eyes colour changed.

   But she was really shocked by seeing her own golden eyes, they were looking so much beautiful which can captivate others in them, but she also knows that they are definitely not normal, don't know what would happen if other people see her golden eyes after all she can't just live alone and not with other people. As a human being, she has to communicate with other people otherwise she will definitely become rusty.

   But she doesn't know what to do with her golden eye colour or how to change it back to her original black eye colour.

   But for now she was feeling very hungry, so she decided to eat something first before looking for the solution. She went to the kitchen and she saw that there are many ingredients for cooking but right now she wasn't in the mood to cook since she was very hungry and just wanted to eat right away.

   She came out of the villa through teleportation to the building where she can buy and sell anything, and there are many varieties of cooked food too.

   She checked in the window of the building to select food and their price. 1 bowl of rice cost 5 points and simple vegetables dishes cost 3 points and simple meat dishes cost 10 points. Since she knows already that 1 crystal core can be exchanged for 50 points in this building where she can buy or sell anything, so she didn't found this food cost any expensive and bought them with just a single thought.

   After eating and drinking her full she rested for a while and then thought about her golden eye colour problem, after all she can't meet people with this eye colour, people will definitely see her as a strange.

   She thought for a while and decided to check if her powers could do anything about her problem, and sat on the carpet on the floor and closed her eyes to concentrate on her powers to search for a solution but still after sometime, she couldn't do anything about it and couldn't change her eye colour so she just opened her eyes and decided to leave this problem for a while.

   But she still has to go out of the space since she can't just wait here for solution, so for now she decided to hide her eye colour and decided to wear goggles since she was not comfortable with contact lenses.

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