Ch-108 All Killed

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   Lu Xi was still attacking and killing those zombies when she saw some zombies who were also using super powers and then she realised that super powers doesn't only belong to humans but these zombies can also be a super power zombies. It's really a worrisome thing for humans when zombies are actually more powerful than humans because they never feel tired and never feel pain.

   Lu Xi didn't wait any longer and started attacking on those zombies. There were almost less than 20 zombies who can use super powers with different powers. Lu Xi killed them one by one with her fire power. She didn't used her other powers but still managed to kill them one by one. As she was killing one Super Power zombies, she also retrieve their crystal cores from their brains because she believes that these crystal cores are more important than any other ordinary crystal cores.

   Of the almost 20 super power zombies, Lu Xi killed 12 zombies and other zombies were killed by other Super Power users but Lu Xi didn't mind it.

   But it's also a fact that Lu Xi killed many zombies altogether and also killed many Super Power zombies so that they were not so worried and tired when fighting with those zombies and they managed to kill them. Those people also knew about it but no one said anything but just picked crystal cores from their killed Super Power zombies and put it away because in fighting with zombies, whoever killed ot, their crystal cores belong to whom, ofcourse if they managed to keep it safe or later distribute to others. After collecting crystal cores, they again started to kill other zombies.

   Lu Xi's presence have them boost and support so they managed to kill all the zombies present there in 1 hour.

   After killing all the zombies, many soldiers came forward and started collecting crystal cores from the dead zombie bodies. Since there were too many zombies were attacking, they didn't collect ordinary zombies crystal cores from them but only from super power zombies and now they got the chance to collect these crystal cores but this time no one cared of they killed them or not.

   Lu Xi didn't joined them because she had already put away her killed zombies crystal cores in the space before so no one took advantage of her. After collecting crystal cores from them, they started putting all the dead zombie bodies together to burn them with fire.

   Lu Xi also helped them in this thing and her fire power was actually so much powerful than other fire power users so those zombies soon became ashes after burning.

   After burning them, all the people found the chance to breath and to check on other ordinary survivers. So some soldiers went back to check them and some soldiers came to Lu Xi, where she was resting. Lu Xi didn't need to rest because by killing zombies, she already got the energy which always make her active and not let her be tired  but she was staying with these people right now and she doesn't want them to know too much about her.

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