Chapter 7: Family

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" Please Moon Goddess Lunara, save us

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" Please Moon Goddess Lunara, save us. Our God Celestros has abandoned us. You are our only hope. Please listen to our prayers. We can't fight alone anymore.", wailed the women.

I was born from their prayers. I will help them. I can't leave them. I will never abandon them.

Seraphina wakes up with a jerk, breathing heavily. What was the use of coming home early, if she couldn't even rest properly. She had come home to have some rest, as she knew Sylvia would do a better job of tracking than her and as expected the CCTV camera footage in the area had been wiped so both Nik and Sera had come back home to have some rest.

Sera was still catching her breath. No, the contents of the dream weren't scary, it was like the story of the origin of the witches, the first to be created by Lunara, when she was a young Moon Goddess. The thing which freaked her out was how real the dreams felt, she experienced them in first person which rarely happens in other dreams. The frequency of such dreams were increasing and every time she was left shaken. She felt as if it was warning her of something big that was going to happen. No, she can't be stuck in this right now, her priority is to find all the missing people including the missing princess.

Sera never expected to be approached to find the princess. She didn't like the Vampire king, she didn't hate him but she couldn't say she respected him. The king didn't help her father when he could, so she wasn't compelled to respect him either.

Seraphina didn't have a great impression of the Prince from her first meeting but she could understand that he was agitated because of his sister's disappearance. But when it came to the princess, Sera could empathise with her, she had heard rumours that the king didn't really like the princess who he blamed for the Queen's death. Sera wondered if the Princess felt responsible for her mother's death too.

Seraphina rose from her bed, she wasn't going to sleep anymore. She didn't have to go to the restaurant today, it being a Wednesday. The restaurant was closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays as it worked on the weekends. She freshened up and dressed for today. She made her way to the living room, in her big home. The manor was rather massive and one would mistake it for a noble's house, but they weren't a noble family rather fighters, her Grandfather was a knight in the Witch-Vampire war and had accumulated a lot of wealth as reward and with that opened a lot of hospitals which maintained the steady inflow of income. But they were never awarded a title by the King. Perhaps the king was afraid to make someone like her Grandfather, Thaddeus Bloodthorne, a noble who would have his views and disagreements heard.

When Sera reached the living room, her aunt asked her excitedly " O Sera you are up! Shall I whip up some breakfast for you?"

"You aren't going to feed her some of your experiments, are you Val?", asked Sera's grandmother, Ravenna Bloodthorne ,with a mischievous look.

"Ma! My cooking isn't so bad anymore." , answered back Valentina in a whine.

Both women have quite a cheerful nature, the same was inherited by Nikolai.

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