double take

639 19 5

In which Jennie Kim releases a song which has the whole k pop community in shambles.


Third persons pov

It was a hectic day for black pink. They were getting ready for their last world tour which was going to be held at soul.

Everyone was super excited and nervous especially a certain brunette. She was pacing back and forth in the changing room as she questioned her choices.

She was rethinking her whole life at this point.she took a deep breath as she tried to calm herself down. "It's going to be okay Jennie, it really is" she said to herself trying to ease her nerves.

She had announced to her fans that she'll be releasing her new written song on the last day of her world tour.she has poured her heartfelt words into the lyrics hoping blinks would get it, they sure would get it. Undoubtedly.

She took one last deep breath before she joined her members at the back stage.

"We can do this guy's" Lisa being her usual bubbly self shouted. Trying to ease the nerves of everyone.

You might think that since they have been performing for months they would get used to it, but no. Nothing ever eases the nerves of going up to stage and performing in front of thousands of people hoping that they would like it. The nervousness always lingers around creating doubt whether they would disappoint their fans or not.

They got up on the dark platform as they heard their intro playing. "Fighting guys" they said one last time before the platform started to rise.

The loud cheering of their fans really encouraged them to do better. The show started and fans went wild over them. They started with the song pink venom. They had to perform a total of 12 songs and would be ending the concert with Jennie's new written song.


They were on there last song, stay. They all walked around the stage, waving at their fans and reading banners and interacting with their fans.

As the song was nearing the end, the 4 members started to gather at the middle of the stage as they sang the last chorus together. They ended the song with a group hug.

"I'm so sad that this was our last song as a group buttt Jennie unnie has one last suprise song prepared for you guys" rosès voice echoed through the loud speakers as she spoke to the fans.

"Yes I agree, please support Jennie's new song and give it lots of love guys" jisoo added to it joining rosè.

"We also haven't heard the song yet guys, so we would also be listening to the song right with you guys right there" Lisa said pointing at 3 chairs that were arranged near the side of the stage.

"Good luck Jennieyahhh" the three of them said in unison as they took their seats.

Jennie's pov.

I went backstage to change my clothes. The nerves were getting to me. My hands were sweaty and I started to panick. What if they don't like the song and hate me for it. What if 'she' starts to hate me.

Just then my manager unnie came to the room. "You'll do just fine Jennie, you can do it" she said and hugged me encouragingly. I nodded my head as I took the guitar and headed to the stage.

The whole stadium was quite. I went and took my seat right in the middle of the stage. I took one last breath as the spotlight stopped on me and the background music started playing. I strummed the guitar and closed my eyes.

I could say I never dare
To think about you in that way, but
I would be lyin'
And I pretend I'm happy for you
When you find some dude to take home
But I won't deny that

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