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Mal pov

I just sit under a tree next to ame and calm down and I look around and I saw


I thinking to my self'how he here, why he here and I noticed and viet, Thailand in there to that's mean there are indo,Phil,Bru too.i started panik and ame try calm me down and I get idea

Mal: ame give me your sunglasses

Ame:huh why?

Mal:just give it is emergency


Ame give me he sunglasses and I were it is weird but maybe this way they don't recognize me and I hide my tiger ear use my hair

Ame:bro what you doing you look like Panic

Mal look around if they noticed he

Suddenly singa was in front of him


Mal:why did you surprise me?!

Ame:bro who is it?

Mal:this is my cousin don't worry he just the one in south east Asia than know an I was in your family

Singa:my name Singapore

Mal:btw ame let's go home


Mal:my friends is here you understand Right?

Ame:oh ok let go home

Mal:singa try your best to make them didn't look at me

Singa:ok no prob

Meanwhile with Indo

Indo:so tired, wait what?


Indo:is that's Mal

Phil:huh maybe just you imagination
Like if you saw but in reality is ame or Liberia cause the flag same

Indo:no no I'm serious that's Mal let's go Phil


Indo grab phil hand and tried to go to Mal but singa stopped them

Indo:singa out of my way!

Singa:and why I have to do that,where you going?

Indo:we want go to mal now out

Singa:maybe you imagination I didn't saw Mal

Indo:but,he is there....

When indo look back they gone

Phil pulled his hand from Indo

Phil:I told you is you imagination

Indo:sorry I just worry about him

With Mal

Mal: finally we can run away from them

Ame:where we go

Mal:I don't know

Ame:what if we go to Mom's bakery this outside is kinda cold and there are warm let go

Mal:yeay that a great idea I kinda want to eat baguette

They got on Mal's bike and went straight to the bakery

They arrive and they in the bakery

Germany: thanks you

Canada:you welcome

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