Chapter 3: Memories

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I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit much after that last chapter and that it took so long, but many of you (including my family) are wondering how Leoferad and Ferdel knew each other, so I decided to present their history this chapter. Also, if you haven't read "Sacrifice" by autumnalthoughts, you should go read it. It is AWESOME.

Two years ago... (Third POV)

Ferdel looked out across the field at the little village in southern Rohan as night began to fall. He and his horse were tired from galloping all the way out here from Minas Tirith, and he had just been about to give in and set up camp when he found the little village, nestled in between two high hills, and practically hidden from view if not for the little tendrils of smoke that rose from the houses that stood in the small valley. Ferdel could see the figures of the villagers and their children in the streets as they all headed home from work and play. 

Putting his horse into a trot, Ferdel rode up to the town's entrance. A few people stared at him suspiciously, others with worry, and a few curious children looked up at him with question filled eyes. He dismounted and went up to the nearest villager, a young boy who looked about the age of 11. 

"Excuse me, but could you point me in the direction of the nearest tavern?" The young boy smiled kindly.

"Of course, sir! My family's tavern is this way. My name is Darren by the way."

"My name is Ferdel. Nice to meet you, Darren." Ferdel followed Darren to a small tavern near the center of the village. The sign above the doorway showed a picture of a goat on its hind legs and under it, in Westron, was the name of the tavern, The Dancing Goat. Ferdel thanked the boy, tied his horse at the post, and followed Darren inside. 

The place was filled with farmers just in from their hard day at work. Ferdel sat near the back at a small empty table and watched the men laugh and talk about their day as the bartender, which he presumed was Darren's father, refilled drinks and a woman came around taking orders from the customers. Darren had gone back outside to the stable after seeing that the stranger was settled and had been given some food and drink. About a half-hour later the door opened again and the person that came in caught Ferdel's attention and made his jaw drop slightly.

A young woman of about 18 swept in gracefully and slipped behind the counter, hugging the bartender and kissing the waitress on the cheek, calling them mother and father. She put on an apron and began serving drinks alongside her mother. She caught sight of Ferdel staring, smiled, and practically glided over to the table.

"Hello there, you must be the man Darren was just telling me about, I'm his older sister, Leoferad." Her voice was like an elleth's, beautiful and strong.

"My name is Ferdel."

Present time (Leoferad's POV)

My shoulder began to hurt as I finally came to, but not as bad as when it was stabbed, reminding me of last night's events. I opened my eyes and looked around at my surroundings as they came into focus, and realized I was lying in some sort of cave.

"So, you're finally awake. I was wondering when you would," the somber voice the came seemingly out of nowhere startled me, and I tried to sit up to find its owner, but pain exploded in my arm, making my upper body collapse back onto the bedroll. I sensed movement and looked over at the cave entrance, where one of the Rangers stood watching me before walking over. He knelt down by my side and helped me sit up against the cave wall. I could now see his face clearly, and my eyes widened in shock.

Ferdel... Before I could say anything, he continued.

"Why are you in Eriador, Leoferad?" I looked away from his handsome, stormy gray eyes, the scruffy face, and the light hair I remembered so well, a tear forming. No, not now. I tried to change the subject.

"Where are Deio and Dahlia?"

"Strider took them back to Buckland yesterday, he'll be back soon. You've been asleep since you collapsed at the ruins yesterday morning, but don't try to change the subject. Why are you here?"

"I missed you, Ferdel. I wanted to the face that's been the only thing keeping me sane these past two years. Why do you think I came?" I replied sarcastically, closing my eyes and waiting for Ferdel to chide me. He sighed with exasperation, clearly not hearing my sarcasm, but his baritone voice sounded like he was casually scolding a child.

"So by wanting to see me, you get yourself captured by Sauron's puppets? They could've killed you, or worse, enslave you --" My frustrated voice interrupted his half sarcastic, half exasperated voice.

"But they didn't! They thought I was a spy but I was looking for you! I didn't know that they thought I was a Ranger!" Our voices rose, Ferdel's especially.

"Which is why I told you to stay in Rohan where you'd be safe until I came back!" I was sitting up now, my back against the cave wall, and my face hot with anger and confusion. I yelled at Ferdel, venting out two years worth of built up worry, confusion and anger.

"Why won't you just understand that Rohan is no more safe than Gondor?! You have been safe while my family, my friends, and my fellow villagers have been ruthlessly murdered while lying in their beds!" I stood up and slapped Ferdel right across the face, not caring about my shoulder or who heard my words, or Ferdel's shocked face.

"My village is nothing but ruins now! Orcs came about a month after you left, destroying our homes and killing mercilessly. Darren and I were the only ones left! Where were you, might I ask?! Up north, traveling as a Ranger, keeping Eriador protected while Orcs destroy villages in the south of Rohan unchecked! Now they're all gone! Gone, do you hear me!" The anger and strength left me, replacing itself with sorrow and weariness. I had left my  I limped to the entrance of the cave and sat down, drawing up my knees to my chin, burying my face in my hands, and trying to stop the tears as they came rushing out. I didn't even notice when Ferdel came up and sat next to me, nor did it register in my head that Strider was running up to the entrance after hearing our shouting fest.

"I was looking for you, Ferdel, because I have nowhere else to go anymore." My words were between sobs, and once I finished I gave up trying to hide my sorrow and cried like a 2-year-old, becoming a sobbing mess.

Ferdel's POV

The words hit me like a knife. Regret, grief, and guilt filled my heart. I had never seen Leoferad get this angry, nor cry this much. Even on the day I told her I was leaving it hadn't been this much. I couldn't even imagine all the pain she was feeling right then.

"I'm so sorry. " I put a hand on her good shoulder, trying to comfort her, then looked up at Strider who was looking at us, confused and worried. I got up, he mouthed to me that we should probably leave her alone for a bit, and motioned for me to follow him.

Once we were out of earshot, Strider turned to me with a frown on his face.

"Now, what's going on?

Strider's POV

Now I knew something was wrong the minute I saw the look on Ferdel's face.

"So, how's she doing, despite the obvious?" Ferdel's blue eyes averted from my questioning brown ones before he hesitantly replied.

"She's been through a lot for her age."

"I can see that, but I meant what were you two yelling about exactly?" Ferdel shifted his feet, looking like a puppy that had been caught chewing on something it shouldn't have.

"It's a long story."

"We have some time." Ferdel looked reluctant but I urged him to tell me. He finally gave in and told me how they met and why she was here. I sighed and looked up at the cave entrance.

"Well then, maybe instead of yelling at her you should've heard her out, but no matter. We need to get moving or we won't make it back to Archet before the sun sets." Ferdel nodded as I started back up the hill towards the cave, him not too far behind.


Hey all!

So again, sorry for the wait. Writer's block was making me slowly go insane and I felt so bad for not updating in forever. I'm thinking of starting a new SW romance, so be excited for that!

See y'all 'round!


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